Friday, September 27, 2024

'Cupboard Clean Out' starts this week

Cupboard Clean Out

Is there food in your cupboards that that could help fill our baking/pantry racks back up?

PCS Gleaners is getting down to limited supply of non-perishables and are needing our members to help us restock what we can. 

Please bring your non-perishables when you come to PCS this week so we can fill our pantry back up for distribution days. Last year this helped our program during food lulls, and right now our back stock is depleted. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Shopping Sign up for September 28th and 30th


Shopping Sign up for September 28th and 30th        

**REMINDER for everyone: Please remember that there it is imperative to keep the shopping schedule accurate, we need shoppers to get through the shopping line without having side conversations. This is to keep the check-ins on-time and the carts in constant rotation. If you want to have conversations with the friendly members, we ask you refrain until the cart is returned.**

Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list -

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday

Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. Also, we do sometimes have to add slots before the shop time or double up in order to make sure every family has an opportunity to shop.

Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 150 families and just over 450 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them. 

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Policy 26.1 (Limits for signing up) Revised effective today!

Policy 26.1 Daily limits for sign ups:

You can sign up for as many shifts as your schedule allows on any day. Please note that you will need to fulfill your volunteer shift. If you volunteer multiple shifts on a distribution day, please make sure you have time outside of your shift to shop so that the volunteer slot is fulfilled in it's entirety.

Volunteer Opportunities Week 09/27 - 10/3/24


Volunteer Opportunities Week 09/27 - 10/3/24


1. You can only sign up for 1 shift every 24 hours to allow others the opportunity to sign up. 

2. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

3. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back.

4. Garden Hours are part of the "alternative" hours and limit out at 2 hours per month per household. 

5. Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless pre-authorized by the Volunteer Coordinator, Anna (541-600-7451 or OR, Patty on Saturday and Alicia on Monday.

6. Volunteers need to be on time or 5 minutes early. If you can't show up on time, please find another time to volunteer. Other volunteers have a schedule and we count on everyone being on time to keep the day moving.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Drawing closes on Friday, Sept. 27th @ 2pm

Please sign up by 2pm on Friday, Sept. 28th. You MUST plan on shopping either Sept. 28th (Saturday) or Sept. 30th (Monday) .  We will not tell you if you won or not as that is a lot of emails, etc. If you are not in town or do not plan to be shopping, then do NOT sign up. Any items not picked up by Monday shopping will be put back into the drawing for the next drawing. We do not save items unless we forget your items or we miss it on our end.

If you sign up and skip shopping or don't let us know, you will not be able to enter into the next drawing.

You can enter for ONL Y 3 items. Please tell us your 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice.

NEW!!! Example:
First Last Name - 1S (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 2M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 3M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)

Adding the day of the week after your name will help us with sorting and "hopefully" save us some time.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Looking for 2 people for Monday Safeway Pickups Starting mid-October

PCS Gleaners is looking for pair of people to do Safeway Pickups + Set-up every Monday. 

The two shifts would start at 8:30-8:45, Mondays. These shifts go through the unload and set-up process, until noon. 

Training (watching the current volunteers, Brian and Janel) October 14th- 21st

Official start date is October 28th from there on.

Please let me know if this is something that would work for your schedule. Great opportunity for a couple, or family too. Email me at or call/text me.

Have a lovely day, 


Volunteer Coordinator


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Urgent Help for Monday

 PCS Gleaners, 

We have several critical positions open tomorrow. Please sign up to help! 

If anyone can help with produce message Alicia directly.

Thank you!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Important message from Patty!

Greetings Gleaners Family

One of my greatest pleasures is serving as the Program Manager of Philomath Community Gleaners and I consider everyone as part of my family.  It has been a long summer for all of us, and I am grateful  to everyone  that took time out of their busy schedules to help bring in the bounties of the fields and from the stores. I salute you. Also during this summer we had a smaller volunteer pool to respond to calls for help. This issue has been in the forefront of my mind and I cannot come up with the answer, so I come to you and ask "What are we doing wrong?"

I spoke to a wise woman last night and she suggested that we put out a box and allow everyone to tell us what is going right and what is going wrong. This will allow everyone to remain anonymous. 

Please help me to understand.  A problem  cannot be solved without your help.

Thank you

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Shopping Sign up for September 21st and 23rd


Shopping Sign up for September 21st and 23rd

**REMINDER for everyone: Please remember that there it is imperative to keep the shopping schedule accurate, we need shoppers to get through the shopping line without having side conversations. This is to keep the check-ins on-time and the carts in constant rotation. If you want to have conversations with the friendly members, we ask you refrain until the cart is returned.**

Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list -

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday

Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. Also, we do sometimes have to add slots before the shop time or double up in order to make sure every family has an opportunity to shop.

Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 150 families and just over 450 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them. 

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Urgent: Open shifts & Timmy needs a co-pilot tomorrow

PCS Gleaners, 

We have several critical positions open for volunteer opportunities this week still. Specifically, Timmy needs a co-pilot to go with him on store pickups tomorrow, Friday. Please sign up for the volunteer shifts below:

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Corn Glean on Friday 9/20

Corn Glean-Sign up REQUIRED

Friday - September 20th

Meet at the Albany Walmart at 8am

DO NOT BE LATE or you won't be able to join.

No kids.

Questions can go to Patty. 

Volunteer Opportunities Week 09/20 - 9/26

Volunteer Opportunities Week 09/20 - 9/26/24


1. You can only sign up for 1 shift every 24 hours to allow others the opportunity to sign up. 

2. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

3. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back.

4. Garden Hours are part of the "alternative" hours and limit out at 2 hours per month per household. 

5. Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless pre-authorized by the Volunteer Coordinator, Anna (541-600-7451 or OR, Patty on Saturday and Alicia on Monday.

6. Volunteers need to be on time or 5 minutes early. If you can't show up on time, please find another time to volunteer. Other volunteers have a schedule and we count on everyone being on time to keep the day moving.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Alternative Hours - No longer offered as part of the program

Dear Members, 

As many of you know and see we are lacking volunteers during crucial times each week and are short help multiple times each week. It seems like we are always begging for help. The Advisory Board met tonight and discussed how we can fix this problem. 

The only idea we can come up with is to cut out ALL alternative hours. Effective 9/18, we will NO LONGER OFFER alternative hours. Any hours you have put in so far this month will count, but we will not allow any more. 

Please note, we need more folks to help with cleanups too! Last night the crew was at the site till after 6:30pm. Tomorrow, we are asking for help to go do store pickups. These volunteer jobs are needed to keep our program running and operating to feed all households. 

Drawing closes on Friday, Sept. 20th @ 2pm

Please sign up by 2pm on Friday, Sept. 20th. You MUST plan on shopping either Sept. 21st (Saturday) or Sept. 23rd (Monday) .  We will not tell you if you won or not as that is a lot of emails, etc. If you are not in town or do not plan to be shopping, then do NOT sign up. Any items not picked up by Monday shopping will be put back into the drawing for the next drawing. We do not save items unless we forget your items or we miss it on our end.

If you sign up and skip shopping or don't let us know, you will not be able to enter into the next drawing.

You can enter for ONL Y 3 items. Please tell us your 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice.

NEW!!! Example:
First Last Name - 1S (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 2M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 3M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)

Adding the day of the week after your name will help us with sorting and "hopefully" save us some time.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Urgent: Help needed tomorrow, Saturday

PCS Gleaners, 

We have several critical positions open tomorrow. Please sign up for the volunteer shifts below:

**We are shifting back to Sign-up Genius for volunteer shift if you didn't get the memo yesterday.. Please still use Civic Champ for tracking hours.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Back to SIGN UP GENIUS for volunteering signups!

Effective immediately we are moving back to Sign up Genius to sign up to volunteer. We will go back to posting the list on Wednesdays. If you signed up on Civic Champs for this coming week, you have been added to the sign up genius for this week. 

We will still be using Civic Champs to track volunteer hours so don't get rid of that app! We will still have the tablet at the site to log in and out of for time tracking.

Shopping Sign up for September 14th and 16th


Shopping Sign up for September 14th and 16th

REMINDER for everyone: Please double check Civic Champ app to see if there is a shift you could cover for this weeks volunteer shifts. 

We do sometimes have to add shopping slots before the shop time or double up in order to make sure every family has an opportunity to shop. 

Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list -

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday

Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. 

Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 150 families and just over 450 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them. 

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Civic Champs Update with Video for logging in / out

Hello families, 

Civic Champs is up and running and we are 10 days in. A few things: 

1. Please use Civic Champs to log your time. There are 2 ways to use the Civic Champs to document hours. Please do not use the pink sheets anymore unless you are unable to use the app or tablet - 

  1.  You can use your cell phone to log hours.

  2. You can use our new Tablet that is at the site. When you get to the site, instead of signing the pink sheet, you can "log" in on the tablet. Then you can log out when you are done. Video below on how to use the Tablet and check in and check out from a volunteer shift. 

I am working through figuring out a few things for the folks still. Thank you everyone for being patient in this process. If you need to add another person to Civic Champs - please send Alicia and email to get them invited.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Adoptee Box Attendant Needed for Fridays

PCS Gleaners, 

We are looking for a adoptee box attendant to help fill the adoptees boxes every Friday from 12:30-1:30 . This is an indefinite position. If you are interested please contact Patty directly. 

Thanks Y'all

9/9 Extra Produce - Come and get some

 Monday September 9th - BULK ITEMS

We have excess of the following and ANYONE of the members can come pick up. We have distribution until 4pm and even if you shopped on Saturday, you can come to the side door (Checkout) and shop the produce items below. You will need to weigh them out

Green Beans





Sunday, September 8, 2024

Washer and Dryer to give away - pick up in Philomath.


Contact Patty and she will connect you with the person who has this.

Friday Helper needed to fill Adoptee Delivery Boxes

We need a volunteer who can commit to coming every Friday between 12:30 -1:30 to fill the adoptee boxes for our home-bound folks. If you can commit to this volunteer position, please reach out to Patty! 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Shopping Sign up for September 7th and 9th

Shopping Sign up for September 7th and 9th

REMINDER for everyone: Please double check Civic Champ app to see if there is a shift you could cover for this weeks volunteer shifts. We have our main driver (Timmy) out of commission currently (Get better soon Timmy).

Also, we do sometimes have to add slots before the shop time or double up in order to make sure every family has an opportunity to shop. 

Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list -

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday

Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. 

Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 150 families and just over 450 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them. 

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Corn Glean in Albany 9/4 at 9am


Wednesday 9/4

9:00 in ALBANY

You will meet in Philomath or talk to Patty about meeting at the site earlier (Thinking somewhere between 8 and 8:30) We DO NOT have a physical address for the glean yet. 

You can sign up on Civic Champs website -or- if you are an adoptee, you can text Patty or Alicia that you would like to attend. We will send out instructions to those who sign up on Civic Champs and message the adoptees individually. 


Green Bean Special Distribution and help unloading

Green Bean Special Distribution

When: Wednesday 9/4

Time: 3:30 to unload and take what you can. Ends at 4:30pm. 

Where: PCS Parking Lot or side of building

Please RSVP by 9am on 9/4 so we know who and how many to expect. 

No Politics or Religion (this includes on your apparel)

It has come to our attention that some have seen political statements on apparel at the site. Our building is to be a safe place for all. Our current policy is no discussion about religion or politics and now we need to add "no apparel with ANY kind of political or religious statements are allowed".


Restocking during Distribution

There was a conversation yesterday about restocking. I (Alicia) thought we were still going by the rule of if something is out and we have a ton of it (like chips), a member could restock this as long as they didn't just help themselves but filled the shelf. 

After talking to Patty - she reminded me that since we rotate weeks we do not restock as once the shelves are empty they are empty. That is why we rotate by last name. 

We ONLY RESTOCK THE MEAT FREEZER! That is the only item to be restocked during distribution.