Sunday, June 26, 2022

Meeting Minutes from June 21st

Please read the minutes in entirety. Things to take essential note to: 

Effective July 1st, 5 hours per month will be required. We need all hands on deck to help with a fundraiser on August 4th. 

If you attended the meeting, please vote to approve or not with this link:

 Philomath Community Gleaners Monthly Meeting 


June 21, 2022 @ 6:30pm via ZOOM & In person 

Welcome at 6:30pm to those at the site and online 

Attendees in person: Alicia W., Patty N., Jessica O., Linda O., Norma Br., Ann M. 

Attendess via Zoom: Elaine K, Patti McF., Tim W., Dana H., Jody B., Morah S., Regina B., James B., Sandra G., Renay S. 

-Updates – David from PCS – No PCS in attenance 


April Meeting Minutes – Norma Br. Moved to approve the April meeting minutes as posted to the blog. Linda O. 2nd the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 


Treasurer Report (s) - 

Norma Br. Moved to approve the March, April, and May treasurer reports as posted. Linda O second the motion. All were in favor.  



Page Break 

Philomath Gleaners 


April 2022 













































Other Donations 





















































Total Revenues 



























Food Share 




















































OSU Truck Rental 











Total Expenditures 


































































Ann Morgan, Treasurer 






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Philomath Gleaners 


May 2022 















































































Siletz Grant 



























Charity and Donations 












Total Revenues 



























Food Share 













Food Share 








































OSU Truck Rental 



















Total Expenditures 


























Ann Morgan, Treasurer 














Page Break 


Grant information 

Current Grants:  

Alicia read the following information on current grants: 

Siletz Grant (food only) from Grant 21-14 $822.78 


Grants Pending responses:  

Chambers Grant for canning lids and freezer bags 

BCF grant for Transporation coverage and possibly plastic warehouse sheeting – we did not get this grant 

Costco Community Grant – We got a $50 gift card and purchased TP with it. 


Grants Working on:  

Fred Meyer Community Grant – Alicia is requesting for Toilet paper and Paper towels – it is almost ready to sent out  

Walmart Community Grant – PCS redid a grant for May so we will try to do in August. 

Bi-Mart Community Grant – Still working on this one  


Monthly service report - Jessica read and discussed our numbers and our increased membership. 


Total number of members-  455  (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 87 

Adoptee households – 58 

New households - 12 

Volunteer hours recorded – 1070 

Donated Miles – 2399 



Total pounds distributed to members: 33,076 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 3919 

Donation out –     

    other community groups - 2889 

    other gleaning groups - 5210  

    Farm / animals - 2931 

488 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 68# each trip. That is an average value of $ 113.19 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value. 



Total number of members-  467   (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 93 

Adoptee households – 57 

New households - 9 

Volunteer hours recorded – 903 

Donated Miles – 2547 




Total pounds distributed to members: 25,031 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 2522 

Donation out –     

    other community groups - 692 

    other gleaning groups - 6294 

    Farm / animals - 2645 

454 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 55# each trip. That is an average value of $ 92.07 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value. 


Old Business 

We discussed the Youngman Funds and that we are good to stop tracking these as we have spent the funds wisely. We will be purchasing a new trash can to replace one at the site.  


1000.00 Funds – most requested we purchases the rolling carts. We purchased 3 already for 389.00. They are $105.00 each plus shipping. With $611.00 remaining. Alicia purchased some small clear totes this week $23.94, current amount avail 586.06 as of October Meeting. We then purchased Totes at Bimart for 39.99, the garden cart for 94.00, 10 ten gallon totes to use at GTF for 103.92, an emergency air pump for 39.99, green tire fixer for 8.99, clamps for the nutcracker at 16.58 for a new remaining balance of 282.59 as of 12/14/2021. We voted in December that anything over the $500 for the red cart would be used form the Youngman Funds. The total was 541.23. So, as of 1/31/2022 we have 241.36 left with the Youngman funds to purchase our needs for the program. 4/12/2022 UPDATE, we purchased 10 totes from Bimart earlier this month @ 99.90, so our new total is $141.46. What are any other needs at the site?  

  • New trash can is on the list to purchase – about $40 


 New Business 

Patty discussed the growing membership and changes that need to happen with growth. We need to open up more volunteer hours for our growing membership to ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to get hours in monthly. We need to allow folks to help when they come to the site to volunteer. We will start having EVERYONE sign up to volunteer. Discussion was had about signing up for certain volunteer spots on a target day (Unloading the truck, Marking off barcodes, Inventory, and then stocking the cages).  


We received a complaint about some folks shopping on Friday. Friday will also change and we will do shifts. Opening up Volunteer hours Fridays 9-12 and then 12-2 depending upon the need. No one will be allowed to shop or take anything from the site. This will start on 7/1. We need to remember what we do for 1 we do for ALL.  


If every household (about 150) volunteered the 5 hours per month, that would be 750. Remember that we allow for a max of 2 hours doing other volunteer jobs not directly with the gleaners. 1. you can do childcare for another member while they volunteer at gleaners. You can volunteer at the garden 2 hours per month. You are responsible for writing those hours on the timesheet. Every member needs to be invested in this program and how the program works.  


Patty reminded that we all need to BE KIND. Kindness is what our program is based upon. Members need to be mindful and kind that not all members can move as fast as another and that we need to appreciate each person and their abilities. We need all members to feel like they have value.  


Patty reported that no one is allowed to tell someones child what to do. You are not the boss of another person's child. Please see Patty or Alicia if you have a question about a child.  


Increase our volunteer hours to 5 hours per month. This will be effective 7/1/2022.  


Please be reminded that gleaning is an important part of our program. Gleaning is the core of our program and is an important part of our group. Ryan M (Our LBFS boss) wants us to really focus on a great year of gleaning. Members are required to take part in 2 gleans per year. Reminder that members can take ½ of what they glean and ½ comes back to the site. Members are not allowed to pick ½ for themselves and ½ for an adoptee of their choice.  


CSC has funds right now for energy and water assistance. These funds are easier to get than prior years as you do not have to have the in person visit. You can print off the application and mail it in. Patty did this and within a week, she had credit on her account. Water is a 1 time assistance program available through CSC for those in Philomath and Corvallis.  


Linda announced that there is also assistance for folks to get a smart phone. The program is called q-link and Linda will get Alicia information so she can post to the blog.  


Linda also siad there is help if someone is struggling with rental assistance. You can call 211. You can also connect with Alicia or Patty and we will see if we can connect you to the right person.  


Announced: July 4th – We will still have distribution and extra store pickups. 


Alicia requested if you have not done the Civil Rights training, we would like for everyone to do it.  


Reminder: Target days – reminder that we are not allowed to take ANYTHING from the site  


Racks – Please do not re-arrange racks during distribution. Please ask Patty or Alicia if you feel we need to restock. If items are not full, be mindful this is why we do a rotation of names for shopping.  

Patty - Yard Sale – Mellissa has stated she may be doing a large sale in August. We discussed the online sale and if we wanted to do a FB page. Patty says she likes that the blog is where we go for everything and that people all know where to go and everyone has access to it. We will post online items to the blog. Alicia will coordinate connecting the two members so that they can meet up.  


Patty announced that we are doing a fundraiser for Benton County Fair – August 4th. This will be a $1000.00 donation to our program. All we have to do is sit and take tickets for the 4th. We will post sign ups for the ticket booth early July. For the folks that do the volunteer shift, they will get a golden ticket to the fair. That is a ticket into the fair and free parking!  


Open Questions and Answers -- What's going well, what’s not? - No one had any issues.  


Alicia did ask that as we are going into gleaning season that we re-visit the gleaning hours policy. It had previously been that if you volunteer to do a glean and take ½ that only ½ of the time would go towards volunteer hours. Patty stated that gleaning is not an easy job. Some gleans are easier than others but all hours should count. We will be changing the policy to allow for ALL gleaning hours to count towards your 5 hour requirement and for all of your time to count. We will take out the ½ time currently in place. The new policy will be effective 7/1. 


Selling of goods is not allowed. If you can’t use an item that you received at the site, please bring it back.  

Elaine asked what we need to do with any of the leftover OSU items. Thankfully, we only have 2 boxes left. Food bank took the sheets and pillows. JKK took all the clothing.  



  • Gleaners need to sign up at least once for a cleanup shift  

  • You are allowed to volunteer more than 4 hours per month.  



Next monthly member meeting will be August 9, 2022 

Meeting adjourned about 7:15