Thursday, December 31, 2020

Saturday - January 2nd Sign up list

Please sign up by your LAST NAME ONLY! Please consider staying and helping to clean up. Last 2 shoppers can be any last name, but we need cleanup help. 

As per voting, member households are ONLY allowed to shop 1 time per week. 

You will need to arrive 10 minutes early. We need the time to get you checked in. If you are late, you will be offered a premade box and not allowed to shop so we can stay on schedule and everyone after you can shop as per time requested. 

Alicia may not be available for changes or questions, so please contact Patty or email for assistance.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Monday Sign up - December 28th

Please sign up by your LAST NAME ONLY! Please consider staying and helping to clean up. Last 2 shoppers can be any last name, but we need cleanup help. 

As per voting, member households are ONLY allowed to shop 1 time per week. 

You will need to arrive 10 minutes early. We need the time to get you checked in. If you are late, you will be offered a premade box and not allowed to shop so we can stay on schedule and everyone after you can shop as per time requested. 

Alicia may not be available for changes or questions, so please contact Patty or email for assistance.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Saturday - December 26th sign up

 Please sign up by your LAST NAME ONLY! Please consider staying and helping to clean up. Last 2 shoppers can be any last name, but we need cleanup help. 

As per voting, member households are ONLY allowed to shop 1 time per week. 

You will need to arrive 10 minutes early. We need the time to get you checked in. If you are late, you will be offered a premade box and not allowed to shop so we can stay on schedule and everyone after you can shop as per time requested. 

Alicia may not be available for changes or questions, so please contact Patty or email for assistance.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Request for approval of the Policy and Procedure Manual - Votes due by December 31, 2020

Please check out the Policy and Procedure manual that we have been working on for over a year.  We are requesting a vote via google forms to approve this so we can make it "official" for our program. 

Here is the PDF of the file to review:

Link to vote:

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Monday Sign up and UPDATES


Orowheat in Salem is closing and yesterday (Decebmer 19th) was our last pickup. 

Starbucks will no longer be being picked up after January 11th as Starbucks corporate is doing changes. 

GATHERING TOGETHER FARMS will be on Vacation December 28th and January 4th so we will NOT have Gathering Together for those 2 weeks. 


Sign up for Monday 

Please sign up by your LAST NAME ONLY! Please consider staying and helping to clean up. Last 2 shoppers can be any last name, but we need cleanup help. 

As per voting, member households are ONLY allowed to shop 1 time per week. 

You will need to arrive 10 minutes early. We need the time to get you checked in. If you are late, you will be offered a premade box and not allowed to shop so we can stay on schedule and everyone after you can shop as per time requested. 

Alicia may not be available for changes or questions, so please contact Patty or email for assistance.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Message from a Member

 From a Member.

Tillamook cheese, Organic Veggies of all kinds, meats I would never be able to afford to buy myself - The gleaners program is one of my top blessings in life. There is a reason why we all keep coming back. Can you find it in your schedule to contribute a few hours to help this program operate smoothly; as a way to give back? Help is needed to clean up on Saturdays 3-4pm and Mondays 2-3pm. Call Patty or Alicia to sign up. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Blankets and Hats from last Saturday

 There were blankets and hats in the front lobby last week that were not intended for the gleaners but yet another program. If you picked them up and took any, can you please return them as soon as possible. 

No Monthly Meeting for December

 No monthly meeting tonight. Lots happening and we hope to see you all in 2021! 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Commodity Supplemental Food Program - Taking applications

 Linn Benton Food Share is taking applications for the CSFP Program. Boxes are picked up at the warehouse 1 time per month and are available to be picked up at gleaners. 

You must be 60 years old or older and make no more than the incomes below: 

If you are interested in signing up, please contact Alicia Warren @ 541-231-7127 or at

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Selling and Bartering of Goods


Anyone selling or bartering any goods, or attempting to return items (examples of Target merchandise) received through the gleaners will be terminated immediately. This includes any selling/bartering on ebay, facebook, etc. 

You are NOT allowed to give food received away on facebook, ebay, craigslist, etc. If you found doing this, we will TERMINATE you immediately

You can not return any product to any stores either that have been received through gleaners.

All of these actions above can impact the entire Linn Benton Food Share organization. The entire donation process could be terminated by our donors. Please consider your actions wisely as many many families could be impacted by these actions.