Saturday, July 25, 2020


Hello Members,

We need to complete our applications and without paper. We have gone ahead and printed the applications, so Alicia will fill them out for each family after you fill out the google form at the bottom. Please PLEASE review the application, the Welcome letter, and the Ethical Expectations in the links below then do the google form for the authorization of membership: 

Please review the Welcome Letter - Rules and Expectations 

Please review the Ethical Expectations for Volunteers: 

Next, please go to the google form and fill it out - this will serve as you signing up and approving what needs to be approved, etc. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Rental Assistance Program - CSC assistance

Do you need help during COVID19? We want to share some information wit you about local assistance. 

Please note that if you have been affected by COVID19 and are having a hard time with rent, there is a program right now helping with rent needs and other housing needs. 

Community Services Consortium Resources - help with food, housing, utilities, more...

CSC Rental Assistance Program Screening Application - assistance that will pay rent and sometimes utilities through through Nov/Dec 2020

Community Services Consortium home page - other programs and resources

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


1. We will be doing a special distribution on Thursday afternoon-7/16. We are getting a warehouse order and want to get it straight from the truck/van to you. Please plan to come if you can - this will help alleviate the moving of the product many times. We will announce the time for special distribution on Thursday morning when we have a better idea. The time will surely be during afternoon hours. 

2. Mark your calendars for our first Zoom gleaner meeting since COVID started. We will be doing a zoom and have a limit of 40 minutes. This will be a time for questions and answers and a general meeting. Friday July 17th @ 6:30pm. Feel free to submit questions to

3. Vacation Quarantine - We are asking that anyone who has been on vacation with large groups or traveled  out of state remain quarantined from our group for 2 weeks. You will still be able to come get food but no volunteers will be on site for the 2 weeks after. Please keep this in mind. 

4. New mandate in effect Wednesday. Oregon in has a new ban on indoor social gatherings as well as groups of more than 10 people and to wear face masks even when outdoors. We are requesting that you put on a mask when our volunteers are close to your vehicles. This includes checking in as well as when we load your vehicles. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Shopping Saturdays/Mondays

Hello Members, 

After a 2 week trial of Friday Distribution, we will be moving back to Saturdays for distribution. As many of you know, we pack in a full schedule all week, and it just works better on a Saturday. We will KEEP distribution on Monday until further notice. 

We will send out a shopping link tomorrow when we have it ready.