Monday, May 30, 2022

Volunteer Hours! Members please read this....

Hello everyone. If you volunteered in the garden, please let Alicia know (text is fine) so we can make sure to get those hours in our books. The garden has separate hours but they count toward the gleaners as the garden is amazing and shares so much with our program! Alicia needs this no later than Tuesday at 8pm.

There are many opportunities to get your hours in for June. We have posted the garden hours as part of the volunteer hours on sign up genius. Check out all the opportunities!  (2 of your 4 volunteer hours can go to helping another gleaner with Child Care or helping in the garden). Remember 2 hours must be with the program directly. 

Fingers crossed we have more Target this month! 

In addition to this, the Great Move Out is happening and we will also offer this up as a 2 hour max volunteer time. You will need to send Alicia and email and let her know if you participated in this event. 

Volunteers Needed for the Great Move Out!

Each year, OSU has the opportunity to offer students an easy way to donate the items they no longer need while moving out, redistributing those reusable goods to nonprofits in our community - usually over 10 tons! It takes the hard work of both OSU staff and volunteers to make this happen. That’s why your help is needed! Here’s how:

  • What: Volunteers are needed for donation collection (joining staff on trucks to pick-up donated items from residence halls), sorting (sorting donated items into categories), and unloading (assisting off-campus students in unloading their items)
  • When: Various shifts are offered between 8am and 9pm, June 7-15th
  • Where: Collection shifts depart from the OSU surplus warehouse and sorting/unloading shifts are hosted at the Benton County Fairgrounds
  • Who: The Great Move Out is sponsored by OSU Surplus Property, Campus Recycling, and University Housing & Dining Services. For more info, please contact Andrea Norris of Campus Recycling at or 541-737-5398
  • Why: Benefit local nonprofits, reuse rather than waste goods, provide a needed service to students, and keep our curbs clear.  
  • To sign-up 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Shopping Sign up for May 28st and May 30th

Due to increased membership size: Members need to text or call Patty on Saturdays and Alicia on 

Mondays 2 hours prior if you need miss a shop time.  If you skip and do not contact us - you MUST 

sign up for a cleanup shift the following week. If you do not contact Patty on a Saturday and skip 

shopping without connecting, you may NOT sign up to shop on Monday. 

Everyone of the members making shopping possible is a volunteering taking time from their lives, 

please be mindful of others time. By skipping your time slot, it makes for a longer time for our volunteers. 

**If the list is full, please please call or text the person in charge.

Saturday Shopping 

CALL PATTY for any changes after 8am Saturday 



Monday Shopping

contact ALICIA for any changes after 8am on Monday


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Member Meeting for June-Moving a week out

The Membership meeting for June is being moved to June 21st (Still a Tuesday - just a week later).

Meeting will still be available via Zoom as well as at the site. Members DO get a volunteer hour for coming to the meeting. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Target Volunteers needed for May 26th (Thursday)

Wahoo! We are getting a good load of product this week and we need YOUR help to get it unloaded and stocked. There are 5 slots available for each truck delivery.  Please sign up before Wednesday evening. 

If you cancel or have a change, we really NEED you to call Patty and let her know. Her number is to the RIGHT hand side of this blog post (web version).

JIF Peanut Butter Recall -

Most of you have likely already seen this, but if you have not, please check your pantry. 

Member Volunteer Hours for May

 Dear Members,

We are aware that many folks have been struggling to find the time to get your hours in for various reasons. We have opened up hours at the PCS garden but only certain hours. Gas prices are so high it is hard for members to make an extra trip to volunteer. We are hopeful that we will get a call for a truck delivery on Thursday but have not heard yet.

We want to thank each and every one of you for working hard to get your hours in. We have had calls from members who need the hours but sometimes don't have a lot of jobs to do. 

Due to the high cost of gas and the lack of trucks/donations coming in to the program, we have decided that the required 4 hours of volunteer time to keep the membership in good standing for May has been lifted. Your hours will still count as we use the volunteer hours for grant writing and our reporting. And, everyone's hours do make our program run smoothly. Each member of this program is valued and important. 

This is a one month pass for everyone. We are hopeful that June will bring us more donations. 

Your Philomath Community Gleaners Board Members: 

Patty Nobles, Coordinator

Jessica Onstott, Co-Coordinator

Ann Morgan, Treasurer

Alicia Warren, Secretary

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Summer/Fall Gleaning Volunteer

Summer/Fall Gleaning Volunteer    

Hello Members, 

We are looking for a Summer Gleaning helper. Jessica will be heading up our field gleaning this summer and we are looking for a helper. We will need someone to be point contact when school is back in session. This person would work with Jessica over the summer on all gleans and then co-coordinate with Jessica from September till the end of field gleaning. 

This person would be helping out in field gleans, weighing in and out the produce that we get. Bringing back the produce for the program to share at the site.

Please contact Patty if you are interested! 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Regional Health Assessment - Survey

We have been asked to share this survey with out members. If anyone has a moment, could you please take a few minutes to fill this survey out. 

This year, our region is taking a collaborative approach to the Regional Health Assessment (RHA) by creating a partnership between InterCommunity Health Network CCO, Samaritan Health Services hospitals, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, United Way, and the local public health departments of Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties. These partners must conduct a health assessment every three to five years to find out what affects people’s physical, behavioral, and social well-being. We need input from a diverse set of community partners and communities to improve our community health planning.

I’ve attached paper versions in multiple languages and below you’ll find the survey links for online use. Our current plan is for the survey to close June 3rd. As a reminder this survey is for anyone who lives, plays, or works in the Linn, Benton, or Lincoln county.

o   Online English Survey:

o   Online Spanish Survey:

Shopping Sign up for May 21st and May 23rd

Shopping Sign up for May 21st and May 23rd

Due to increased membership size: Members need to text or call Patty on Saturdays and Alicia on 

Mondays 2 hours prior if you need miss a shop time.  If you skip and do not contact us - you MUST 

sign up for a cleanup shift the following week. If you do not contact Patty on a Saturday and skip 

shopping without connecting, you may NOT sign up to shop on Monday. 

Everyone of the members making shopping possible is a volunteering taking time from their lives, 

please be mindful of others time. By skipping your time slot, it makes for a longer time for our volunteers. 

**If the list is full, please please call or text the person in charge.

Saturday Shopping 

CALL PATTY for any changes after 8am Saturday 



Monday Shopping

contact ALICIA for any changes after 8am on Monday


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Volunteer Opportunities - added hours in the garden

 Hello ALL! 

We have added another NEW opportunity to get your volunteer hours in for the Gleaners. The Philomath Community Garden is a wonderful garden that donated goods to our program and we have partnered with the garden to allow folks volunteer hours for the gleaners to be put into the garden. You are allowed to put in 2 of your 4 volunteer hours in the garden. Of coarse you can volunteer more for the garden, but only 2 can be used per month for your gleaner required volunteer hours. 

Volunteer Opportunities: 

Sundays in the garden 4-6pm

Mondays: Clean the Van 1-3 (1 hour volunteer time even if it only take a 1/2 hour. Now that the weather is better, folks can also wash the outside of the van too in the parking lot). 

Tuesdays: Garden Hours 10 am to Noon

Wednesdays: Pig Bins and one time per month to clean the coolers

Thursdays - nothing weekly but often we will post a truck to unload-will be a separate sign up. 

All of these opportunities are posted for sign up on the Sign up genius link below. You can also view this link by a web browser and the link to the right hand side of the blog. If you use your phone to sign up and want to see this link on the blog, scroll to the bottom of the blog and click "web view".

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Let's Pull Together in Benton County

Sharing of Information and willing for folks to do 2 of your 4 VOLUNTEER hours here if you are struggling to get your hours in. 


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Philomath Block Party Volunteers Needed - Get those hours in!

Volunteers Needed: 

Philomath Community Services will be hosting a table at the Philomath Block Party and Concert on May 30th. The PCS board is looking for volunteers to help with the table. If this is of interest to you, you can get your hours in for gleaners by helping out at this table. Please contact Patty to get information. 

Once a month Volunteer Opportunity:

Once a month Volunteer Opportunity: 

We eventually will plan to try another large yard sale later this summer. 

The opportunity is to host a 1 time per month MINI sale. 

Who: 1 - 2 members who would like to get in their volunteer hours! 

When: 1 Saturday per month. Likely 11:30-4:30

What: Crazy Day sales for items that are around $1.00 and items donated from members. We plan to only keep it to 2 tables so that set up and take down are easy. The ideal would be to donate what is left at the end of the day. 

Please contact Patty if you are interested in this volunteer opportunity! 


Friday, May 13, 2022

Shopping Sign up for May 14th and May 16th

Shopping Sign up for May 14th and May 16th

Due to increased membership size: Members need to text or call Patty on Saturdays and Alicia on 

Mondays 2 hours prior if you need miss a shop time.  If you skip and do not contact us - you MUST 

sign up for a cleanup shift the following week. If you do not contact Patty on a Saturday and skip 

shopping without connecting, you may NOT sign up to shop on Monday. 

Everyone of the members making shopping possible is a volunteering taking time from their lives, 

please be mindful of others time. By skipping your time slot, it makes for a longer time for our volunteers. 

**If the list is full, please please call or text the person in charge.

Saturday Shopping 

CALL PATTY for any changes after 8am Saturday 



Monday Shopping

contact ALICIA for any changes after 8am on Monday


Thursday, May 12, 2022

Volunteer Hours Opportunity

The Gleaners Advisory board met on Tuesday and we have come up with another option for folks to get in volunteer hours. 

Collecting cans for deposit as a fundraiser. 

For every 13 gallon (kitchen size) bag of cans brought back, you can get a 1/2 hour of volunteer time. Please make sure you connect with the lead person for the day and let them know that you brought cans so they can go behind the locked gate, and write down your own hours on the timesheet. 

You can use this can program for UP TO 2 hours of your 4 hours of volunteer time! Ask your friends or neighbors if you can take up their collections. 

The funds from this will go to support our program. We have costs to purchase food as well as to rent the vehicle to pickup our large donations (usually 1 time per week). 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Canned Goods Request!

Greetings as many of you may have noticed our shelves are getting bare and it is difficult to maintain a steady supply of products. If our members have can goods that are just getting moved to the back of the shelf. Please bring them in Saturday, May 14th and Monday May 16th. This would be a big help for our group.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Target times updated:

 Target times updated: 

If you signed up to help on Tuesday, hopefully you got a message but in case you didn't the times for Volunteering on Tuesday changed. 

The trucks are coming at 11:30 and 1:30. 

There are still a few slots left:

Friday, May 6, 2022

Target Trucks on Tuesday 5/10/22- VOLUNTEER Opportunity

 We will be getting Target on Tuesday this coming week. We have 2 truck loads secured now and may have a 3rd but it is not confirmed yet. There are 2 truck sign ups below:

Shopping Sign up for May 7th and May 9th

Shopping Sign up for May 7th and May 9th

Due to increased membership size: Members need to text or call Patty on Saturdays and Alicia on Monday 

Mondays 2 hours prior if you need miss a shop time.  If you skip and do not contact us - you MUST 

sign up for a cleanup shift the following week. If you do not contact Patty on a Saturday and skip 

shopping without connecting, you may NOT sign up to shop on Monday. 

Everyone of the members making shopping possible is a volunteering taking time from their lives, 

please be mindful of others time. By skipping your time slot, it makes for a longer time for our volunteers. 

**If the list is full, please please call or text the person in charge.

Saturday Shopping 

CALL PATTY for any changes after 8am Saturday 



Monday Shopping

contact ALICIA for any changes after 8am on Monday


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Fundraiser - Cancelled

 We have opted to cancel the yard sale fundraiser as we just don't have enough helpers signed up. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022


 Greetings to my Gleaner Family

I would like to discuss the importance of our planned Rummage Sale. I am sure everyone has been aware in the drop in donations as well as the limited amount of items we have been able to purchase from Linn-Benton foodshare. This Rummage Sale would give us money that is needed for Philomath Community Gleaners to buy products from different sources. I am asking everyone to help with this sale. Melissa is donating her time to help our community, but she needs our help. We need people to sign up for cleanup and setup as well as help throughout the day of the sale. I have faith in our members and I know we can put forth a huge effort to make our Rummage Sale a success because the reality is if we do not have enough people signed up by Wednesday we cannot have a Sale. We will miss out on an opportunity to purchase what we need to survive the summer.
Much thanks to everyone

Patty Nobles
Program Manager