Philomath Community Gleaners Monthly Meeting
December 10, 2022 @ 7:00pm via ZOOM ONLY
Welcome – 7:03pm
Updates – David from PCS. Patty share information. We still don’t have a cooler cover for outside. The cooler will likley not be operational because of the mold. Was supposed to start on the 25th but hasn’t happened yet. We would love more storage
OSU extension agency starting a program Dinner Tonight. They will put together ingredients that come with a recipe card. LBFS Update meeting with Ryan M. (He is the boss). He said that with the rising cost of food and bad issues with transportation and production, food is harder to come by in Oregon. Oregon doesn’t have a grand scale production here. Our fresh items are being trucked and processed outside of Oregon. We are lucky that we have our large donor. LBFS is going back to basics. This summer we really need a gleaner coordinator. Starts end of April or May through September. Description for the job by February. Please consider coming. ELAINE reminded folks– If you are going glean, you get to take ½ of what you pick home if you are a gleaners. Adoptees can take 100% of what they take.
Those of that serve on the board we do not get any special privileges, nothing is different for anyone. We are all the same. If you are a gleaner, you keep half. If you are an adoptee, you get 100% of what you pick.
October Meeting Minutes – were posted for reading. Need to approve. Elaine moved to pass the minutes. Timy 2. Motion passed with everyone.
October & November– postponed this report until our next meeting.
Siletz grant 22-03 – Grant Completely spent. Ann Morgan to do the final report
Wenger Funds: ($500) Remaining: $500
Roundhouse – ($1000), remaining: 954.08
Siletz Grant (Alicia and Patty picked up the check in Lincoln City). ($2000) - Remaining: $2000.00
Oddfellows Grant ($500) - Remaining $425.00
Grants Pending responses:
Walmart Community Grant – We just got approval to do this one, so Patty, Alicia, and Nina will work on this.
Bi-Mart Community Grant – Still working on this one
Timmy is looking into Patagonia grants- Invitation only.
October Monthly service report -
Total number of members- 458 (including children) Volunteer hours recorded – 1302 | | Total pounds distributed to members: 42,254 Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) – 2,981 other community groups - 827 other gleaning groups - 11,524 |
623 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 68# each trip. That is an average value of $ 113.27 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value.
Total number of members- 433 (including children) Volunteer hours recorded – 944 | | Total pounds distributed to members: 31,236 Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) – 1,964 other community groups – 2,098 other gleaning groups – 5,075 |
430 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 73# each trip. That is an average value of $ 121.31 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value.
Cell Phone Policy – When we come to volunteer. We know there are not enough hours to get everything done. Let alone when people sign up to help and volunteers are on their phones. This is usually one or 2 people. Sometimes people have come in and spent 30-45 minutes on the phone. If you need to be on your phone that much, maybe volunteering during that time – maybe you need to rethink it. How long is too long to be on the phone? Volunteers think 2 minutes is more than enough. We need people to sign up and work, not be on the phone. ELAINE you made a commitment to come to work. If we stood and talked on the phone, I would be fired. If you came to work, then you must come to work. Leads need to be on their phone as needed for business. Patty will work on this policy.
If you sign up under a certain name, you MUST use the same name. For instance, John Dunlap and Jill Styles shop together. They can’t choose who has the best name toward the top of the list. You must pick 1 and shop at that time, even if the person with the last name isn’t with you. Do we need a policy. Yes, we need to make this a policy.
We still require 5 hours for Volunteer time.
Being on time - being late for your volunteer shift affects other volunteers. If you can not be on time, please do not sign up. Check in/Out desk. Friday, people show up late for the warehouse truck. If you are not 5-10 minutes early, how will you be able to perform....Timmy gets there are 12:45 – 12:50. Just be on time. Alicia suggested that if you can’t be there by a certain time, you don’t get to shop until after your volunteer time. This will also be written into the policy.
Video of shopping, someone reading the policy and procedures. Nina will volunteer to help. This could really bridge the gap. Conversation of if folks can’t read the policy, possibly we have someone read it to them or do a video. Nina offered to help with this.
Cooler update-Brent doesn’t have any updates. It has been discussed in the board meetings. No cover as of now. Brent will reach out to the board on this issue.
Nina P. New to monthly meeting. Policy and things going arry. Wonder if one of the aspects is not super clear. Imagine our audience and participants, that literacy might be a concern, perhaps in the orientation is the idea that gleaners is. This is a privilege. WE know there is scarcity in these resources. If you come in the mindset change. We are all experience hardness or we wouldn't be there. We discussed having someone call the new members and welcome after the first bit to see if they need help or feeling welcomed. Nina offered to take this on.
Open Questions and Answers -- What's going well, what’s not?
Elaine wants to talk about Saturday. We had 2 disruptive encounters. There was a guy who was high and angry and she thought he was going to hit her. Timmy called the police. He called the police. Do not risk getting hurt. If anyone ever feels threatened, please call 9-1-1.
Drawings are on hold for now. We are going to move the product out on the take one shelf. Things go out on an honor system. Doing the drawings are a lot of work. People don’t pay attention to the names on the products and just take stuff. Then we are left trying to explain we don’t know where items are. Alicia and Patty discussed. Big ticket items will be held back. Nothing belongs to us. Once a week, we will put it out there. ELAINE – suggested we have a write it down on a paper.
Brent got an email from David on the cooler. Quick reply. Unfortunately – construction on the cover is still a far way out due to permits and fabrications. Tarp cover will be done by the boy scouts.
Construction for the water tower. They were supposed to put in a bridge and a culvert. Brent, nothing very specific as an update. The current plant is getting an updated and larger one next door to the east side parking lot. Parking on both sides of the driveway. We will be losing the LEFT side of the parking area. Where will be park? It will be on the south side of the building. The city may close us down for construction. We will have to move our tent when the construction happens. We use that tent for distribution all the time. The gate. We will be going with the glow.
Timmy is doing a silly. Draw a picture of their favorite thing. Showing the kids. Ultimate day off!
Weather – We will do our best to stay open during weather.
Next monthly member meeting will be February 14, 2022. Members discussed and we will be moving the meeting to February 21st.