Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Volunteer opportunities 8/2-8/8



1. You can only sign up for 1 shift every 24 hours to allow others the opportunity to sign up. 

2. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

3. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back.

4. Garden Hours are part of the "alternative" hours and limit out at 2 hours per month per household. 

5. Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless pre-authorized by the Volunteer Coordinator, Anna (541-600-7451 or OR, Patty on Saturday and Alicia on Monday.

6. Volunteers need to be on time or 5 minutes early. If you can't show up on time, please find another time to volunteer. Other volunteers have a schedule and we count on everyone being on time to keep the day moving.

Volunteer Opportunities Week

Save the date: Opioid Overdose Recognition and Response training


Tuesday August 6th- National Night Out - Philomath City Park

  • Tuesday August 6th- National Night Out - Philomath City Park
    - Set-up - we meet at PCS @ 5:00 PM to load the cars & proceed to the City Park to set-up the canopy, etc.
    -Staff the booth from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM & Tear down@ 8:00 PM

If any gleaners would like to help with this event, please contact Sharon at the PCS Office. The phone number is 541-929-2499. These can be used as gleaner hours (if you write them down at the site). 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Drawing closes on Friday, Aug. 2 @ 2pm

 Please sign up by 2pm on Friday, Aug.2nd. You MUST plan on shopping either Aug. 3rd  (Saturday) or Aug 5th (Monday) .  We will not tell you if you won or not as that is a lot of emails, etc. If you are not in town or do not plan to be shopping, then do NOT sign up. Any items not picked up by Monday shopping will be put back into the drawing for the next drawing. We do not save items unless we forget your items or we miss it on our end.

If you sign up and skip shopping or don't let us know, you will not be able to enter into the next drawing.

You can enter for ONL Y 3 items. Please tell us your 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice.

NEW!!! Example:
First Last Name - 1S (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 2M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 3M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)

Adding the day of the week after your name will help us with sorting and "hopefully" save us some time.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Shopping sign up for July 27th and July 29th


Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list - **Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families.**

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday

Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. 

Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 150 families and just over 450 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Blueberry Glean-2pm Meet at Blueberry Meadows

Only 1 car per household. No kids under 12, bring your own containers.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Drawing closes on Friday, July 26 @ 5:00

Please sign up by 5pm on Friday, July 26th. You MUST plan on shopping either July 27th (Saturday) or July 29th (Monday) .  We will not tell you if you won or not as that is a lot of emails, etc. If you are not in town or do not plan to be shopping, then do NOT sign up. Any items not picked up by Monday shopping will be put back into the drawing for the next drawing. We do not save items unless we forget your items or we miss it on our end.

If you sign up and skip shopping or don't let us know, you will not be able to enter into the next drawing.

You can enter for ONL Y 3 items. Please tell us your 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice.

NEW!!! Example:
First Last Name - 1S (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 2M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)

First Last Name - 3M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)

Adding the day of the week after your name will help us with sorting and "hopefully" save us some time.

PCS Community Celebration - Save the Date!

Philomath Community Services 

Annual Celebration -- Save the date! 

September 15th

Will post more information when PCS has released to the programs.

Missing stool from Program with a magnet attached--MISSING


Hello families,

We are missing a stool much like this one from the program. This stool is used weekly and we think someone thought it was to be given in distribution. If you have this and accidentally took it, could you PLEASE return it to the program. 

Volunteer Opportunities Week 07/26/24 - 08/01/24


1. You can only sign up for 1 shift every 24 hours to allow others the opportunity to sign up. 

2. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

3. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back.

4. Garden Hours are part of the "alternative" hours and limit out at 2 hours per month per household. 

5. Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless pre-authorized by the Volunteer Coordinator, Anna (541-600-7451 or OR, Patty on Saturday and Alicia on Monday.

6. Volunteers need to be on time or 5 minutes early. If you can't show up on time, please find another time to volunteer. Other volunteers have a schedule and we count on everyone being on time to keep the day moving.

Volunteer Opportunities Week 07/26/24 - 08/01/24:

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

BlueBerry Glean - Saturday

8:15 meet at site and bring your own containers (must be on time!)

You will need to drive your own vehicle (likely). Driver waivers will need to be done if you haven't already.

No kids under 12

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Volunteer Shifts (5) Need Coverage Tomorrow, Monday

Hey Gleaners, 

We have five open volunteer slots for tomorrow:

-Check-In 1-3 PM  (shop at 3:10)
-Wash the Van (1 Hr commitment)
-Check-In and Clean Up 3-5 PM (shop at 2:25)
-Clean-up 4-5 PM (no shopping)
-Clean-up 4-5 PM (no shopping)

Please sign-up below:

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Shopping sign up for July 20th and July 22nd


Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list - **Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families.**

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday

Monday List - **Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families.**

Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. 

Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 150 families and just over 450 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Volunteer Opportunities Week 07/19/24 - 07/25/24


Make sure you sign up for shifts and get your hours in before the end of the month. Many people didn’t meet membership requirements last month and it puts the workload on the shoulders of the rest of the members. 

Also, are you interested in driving the van for donation pick-ups? Contact me, Anna 541-600-7451. We need a couple more trained drivers.

Garden Hours are part of the "alternative" hours and limit out at 2 hours per month per household

Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless PRE-authorized by Patty 

(Tues, Wed Thursday, Friday and Saturday) and Alicia for Monday


1. You can only sign up for 1 shift every 24 hours to allow others the opportunity to sign up. 

2. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

3. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Shopping sign up for July 13th and July 15th

Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list - **Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families.**

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday
CLOSED Monday List - **Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families.**

READ TODAY : Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then  you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. 

READ TODAY: Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 175 families and just over 520 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Philomath Frolic Parade Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed tomorrow and Saturday for the parade. 

We need help decorating tomorrow (Friday) and then for the parade on Saturday to walk beside the van and pass our candy, etc. 

Please sign up so we know who can come help:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Volunteer Opportunities Week 07/12/24 - 07/18/24


Volunteer Opportunities Week 07/12/24 - 07/18/24 

Garden Hours are part of the "alternative" hours and limit out at 2 hours per month per household

Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless PRE-authorized by Patty 

(Tues, Wed Thursday, Friday and Saturday) and Alicia for Monday


1. You can only sign up for 1 shift every 24 hours to allow others the opportunity to sign up. 

2. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

3. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back.

Tent sale - staggered event

Families — with the struggle we have been having filling all our volunteer slots — and the huge amount of stuff we have our back…our idea is to doing a staggered sale in the tent. 

For the next few weeks we will have a volunteer come for 1 hour and set up the sale on Saturday. This volunteer slot will be posted with the weekly sign up. 

7/13 - sort and organize what is currently in the tent - sale will be open Saturday and Monday
Starts Saturday at 11am

The next week we will offer another hour to sort and organize and hopefully bring new items in from out back and just keep the items moving along. 

If anyone would like to offer to help post items for sale on Facebook or has ideas of what to do with items after our members have first dibs — please let Alicia know. 

Let’s start with 3 weeks and then we can decide if we continue and how much we have. 

This sale is a “Pay what you can afford or what you think the item is worth”

We can take PayPal too — Alicia will find the code as it goes direct to the PCS checking. If you pay via PayPal — please put a comment or mention “gleaners tent sale” 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Monday helpers Needed - Weekly Commitments

!-We need someone who can be a committed Farm Pickup person. Arrive at 9:00 and help out and then at 10am, you would head to the farm with the Farm Lead. Back hopefully by 11 to help setup for distribution. This person needs to be able to lift at least 40#. Would love for this position to start tomorrow. Volunteer time should end around 11:30 or as soon as we are setup.

2- We have a Monday volunteer that lives in Corvallis (by the hospital) that could use a ride to volunteer each Monday. Alicia would set you up for a weekly volunteer slots if you could help with the transportation for our volunteer. 

Please text Alicia for either of these! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Shopping sign up for July 6th and July 8th

Shopping sign up for July 6th and July 8th


Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list - **Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families.**

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday
CLOSED!!!Monday List - **Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families.**

READ TODAY : Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then  you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. 

READ TODAY: Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 175 families and just over 520 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Volunteer Opportunities Week 07/05/24 - 07/11/24


Volunteer Opportunities Week 07/05/24 - 07/11/24


Garden Hours are part of the "alternative" hours and limit out at 2 hours per month per household

Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless PRE-authorized by Patty 

(Tues, Wed Thursday, Friday and Saturday) and Alicia for Monday


1. You can only sign up for 1 shift every 24 hours to allow others the opportunity to sign up. 

2. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

3. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Drawing closes 7/4 @ 2

 Please sign up by 2pm, July 4th.  You MUST plan on shopping either July 6th (Saturday) or July 8th (Monday).  We will not tell you if you won or not as that is a lot of emails, etc. If you are not in town or do not plan to be shopping, then do NOT sign up. Any items not picked up by Monday shopping will be put back into the drawing for the next drawing. We do not save items unless we forget your items or we miss it on our end.

If you sign up and skip shopping or don't let us know, you will not be able to enter into the next drawing.

You can enter for ONLY 2 items. Please tell us your 1st, 2nd choice.

NEW!!! Example:
First Last Name - 1S (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 2M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)

Adding the day of the week after your name will help us with sorting and "hopefully" save us some time. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Tuesday July 2nd help needed

 Help Needed Tuesday at 9:30 and then also at 1:30pm. Please sign up if you can help. Sign up below:

Side Note: If you help, you can take mushrooms home. We will have plenty.