Monday, March 30, 2020

Food Bank Sign UPS

Philomath Food Bank 

If you have not signed up for the Philomath Food Bank, you may want to consider coming by the site Tuesday 3/31 from 4:30-7:30pm to sign up. This is the last day of March so this would be your March box. You would then be allowed to shop in April as well. Food Bank currently gives a food box to anyone who meets the 300% poverty level (note this is different than last year). Check the income below as it is the same for Gleaners as is for Food Bank to our knowledge. Boxes are available to pick up 1 time per month! We are encouraging everyone to sign up for the food bank and ensure your family has food.

If you signed up during Saturday, please make sure to come get your March Box. Your applications were taken to the food bank today.