Tuesday, July 14, 2020


1. We will be doing a special distribution on Thursday afternoon-7/16. We are getting a warehouse order and want to get it straight from the truck/van to you. Please plan to come if you can - this will help alleviate the moving of the product many times. We will announce the time for special distribution on Thursday morning when we have a better idea. The time will surely be during afternoon hours. 

2. Mark your calendars for our first Zoom gleaner meeting since COVID started. We will be doing a zoom and have a limit of 40 minutes. This will be a time for questions and answers and a general meeting. Friday July 17th @ 6:30pm. Feel free to submit questions to gleaners@philomathcommunityservices.org

3. Vacation Quarantine - We are asking that anyone who has been on vacation with large groups or traveled  out of state remain quarantined from our group for 2 weeks. You will still be able to come get food but no volunteers will be on site for the 2 weeks after. Please keep this in mind. 

4. New mandate in effect Wednesday. Oregon in has a new ban on indoor social gatherings as well as groups of more than 10 people and to wear face masks even when outdoors. We are requesting that you put on a mask when our volunteers are close to your vehicles. This includes checking in as well as when we load your vehicles.