Thursday, October 22, 2020

Voting Options - WE NEED YOUR OPINIONS and your vote!

 Voting Options    

Nominations are due by November 5th at 11:59pm

At our last meeting, we discussed how we will do the voting as COVID is a new time for everything. It was suggested that we ask LBFS to help us. LBFS is not available to be part of this for us. 

Here are some suggestions we have come up with

1. All votes can be done online on google forms as we do other voting. This is free of charge. We can have members call the folks that do not have access to be online to get their votes. The results can be shared online with this blog with pictures. 

2. Voting can be done in person at the member meeting on November 12th. We would have paper voting forms and 3 members (whom are not one of the members being voted on) will be asked to count the votes. We could have an hour where if people wanted to vote, they would call in their votes to someone - maybe a member who is not on the form would volunteer to be the call taker. 

3. We use a 3rd party voting system and pay for it. This would require we share your emails and/or phone numbers from what I can see. This would also cost at least $10. 

4. The last option was to ask a local pastor or teacher to host this, but we still need to decide on HOW to do the voting during covid. 

Please take the time to VOTE on how you think voting will best suit our membership this year: