Thursday, January 6, 2022

December Meeting Minutes - Approval Needed

Meeting Minutes 12/14/21 

Linda O’Dell Patty Nobles, Alicia Warren, Ann Morgan, Valerie spencer, Dana Hamilton, Michelle Holdoff, Elaine Kahn, Dani, Timmy Worl, Fela Lafi, U693CL  


Biggest update: Philomath Gleaners will be closed Christmas day 

-Distribution will be held on the 24th from 1-3 PM 

-Saturday shoppers, asked to shop on Friday instead so that Monday isn’t packed 


October meeting minutes were posted and approved online with a vote.  

-posted on the blog if needed 


Treasurers report:  

Alicia moved to postpone the treasurers report until next meeting. Patty seconds it. Motion passed. 

October numbers are available in the meeting minutes. 


-average pounds per family: avg 93 lbs per family each week  

November average = 146$  


Open forum: 

Patty wants people to know she is very proud of out group this month. People are getting their hours in and stepping up as a team. People are responding to the announcements.  


Election Results: 

Coordinator: Patty Nobles 

Co-Coordinator: Jessica Onstott 

Secretary: Alicia Warren 

Treasurer: Ann Morgan 


Outreach coordinator- still in the works. Contact Patty if interested in being this person. 

-this person would oversee reaching out to people and see how they are doing if we haven’t seen them, send them birthday cards, etc 


The volunteer hours requirement is still 4 hours.  

-two of those hours need to be done at the site 

-the other two hours are flexible- for example: babysitting for someone to come in and work at the site, working in the garden etc 


Food Needs: 

-open for suggestions  


Holiday meat should be picked up by the 24th. IF its not picked up it is going to go into a drawing. 

$500 check received from Oddfellows 

-to be applied to 2 carts with 2000lb weight limits that are to be used for Target 

-$282.59 left on the Youngmen funds. 

-Alicia moves that we use whatever is left in the Youngman funds to pay for the shipping costs of these carts. Michelle H. and Dani both second this motion.  


Job openings: 

-pickup-helper for Safeway and the coop 

-pig bins need to be cleaned 

-washing the van  

-unloading he van on Friday 

-Wednesdays- help clean the walk ins 


Next monthly meeting is going to be on Tuesday, February 8th 2022 


-we need to set up a tent outside by the cooler 

Siletz grant has been spent on hams. 

Another Siletz grant was $2000 

Another one from Wal-Mart  

Alicia closed the meeting at 6:55 

Please vote (Link below) to approve these minutes if you were present either in person or online. Please vote by January 14th at 5pm