Welcome to the Gleaners! If you are here for the first time, please take time to click the link below and at a minimum the first few pages of the Policy and Procedures. You MUST read the PCS Ethics Policy to the right hand side as you are required to follow PCS rules as well as gleaner rules.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Walkers for member needs
Saturday Feb 26th and Monday February 28th SIGN UPS
NOTE: All new members need to have a meeting or phone call with Patty before a family can shop.
Before any one brings friends, they need to have a phone orientation at minimum.
Please note this is the sign up for both Saturday and Monday.
-- Remember that you need to arrive 10 minutes prior to your sign up time to check in and wash/sanitize
-- Remember that you are not allowed to just show up to shop or volunteer.
-- If the spots are full, please contact Patty on Saturdays and Alicia on Mondays. (phone numbers are on the blog web version).
Saturday -
Saturday Sign up: Please contact Patty for questions if you miss the sign up.
Monday -
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Meeting Minutes for Feb 2022-Vote for those that attended requested.
Philomath Community Gleaners
Membership Meeting minutes
February 15, 2022 @ 6:30pm via ZOOM & In person
Attendees: Patty Ni., Patty Mc, Hope Y, Michele H, Lisa K, Fela L, Elaine K, Joe G, Ann M, Norma Bron., Melissa Shan., attended via zoom. Leona C., Patty Nobles, Jessica O., Susan B., Timmy W., and Alicia W. attended in person at 360 S 9th Street in Philomath Oregon.
At 6:32 pm Jessica opened the meeting. Jessica thanked Alicia W. for her hard work previously that day working on a mass distribution with LBFS and 6 other gleaner groups that was hosted the PCS.
Patty announced that PCS held elections and the new President of PCS is David Low.
December Meeting Minutes were posted and approved via online vote (see photo) – Alicia. This was announced in the meeting that the vote happened online and the results are below.
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Treasurer Report (s)–
Ann presented the treasure report for October 2021, November 2021, December 2021, and January 2022. Discussion was had on the current grants open. Ann reported that she did the final report for the equipment grant for the dehydrators. She also reminded folks that we have them for people to check out and use as needed.
Michele H. moved to approve the 4 months of the treasurer report for October 2021, November 2021, December 2021, and January 2022. The motion was seconded by Patty Ni. Motion passed and all were in favor.
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Grant information:
Alicia read the current status of our open and current grants:
Siletz Grant(food only) from 2021 ($2000) - $1626.53 remaining
Walmart Grant received 2021 – completely spent as of January 2021
Alicia reported on the following grants we are working on:
Chambers Grant for canning lids and freezer bags
BCF grant for Transporation coverage and possibly plastic warehouse sheeting
Alicia asked the members if we wanted to apply for the next Siletz Grant due March 1st – Do another $2,000 food request?. Norma Bronson moved to have Ann M apply for this grant and ask for food. Leona Cox 2nd this motion. Motion passed, all were in favor.
Alicia asked that members take a few minutes and read the service report. No questions came from the report.
Monthly service report -
December NUMBERS
Total number of members- 287 (including children) Gleaner Households – 55 Adoptee households – 53 New households - 2 Volunteer hours recorded – 903
| Donated Miles – 1967 Wood glean hours – 0 Wood glean miles donated – none Wood gathered/gleaned – Wood Distributed –none
| Total pounds distributed to members: 34,575 Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) – 4496 Donation out – other community groups - 1540 other gleaning groups - 13721 Farm / animals - 3867 |
368 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 94# each trip. That is an average value of $ 156.90 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value
Total number of members- 316 (including children) Gleaner Households – 63 Adoptee households – 55 New households - 8 Volunteer hours recorded – 992
| Donated Miles – 2546 Wood glean hours – 0 Wood glean miles donated – none Wood gathered/gleaned – none Wood Distributed –none
| Total pounds distributed to members – 38,547 Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) – 3209 Donation out – other community groups - 4118 other gleaning groups – 9618 Farmer, Animals - 6511 |
442 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 87# each trip. That is an average value of $145.634 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value
Old Business
1000.00 Funds – most requested we purchases the rolling carts. We purchased 3 already for 389.00. They are $105.00 each plus shipping. With $611.00 remaining. Alicia purchased some small clear totes this week $23.94, current amount avail 586.06 as of October Meeting. We then purchased Totes at Bimart for 39.99, the garden cart for 94.00, 10 ten gallon totes to use at GTF for 103.92, an emergency air pump for 39.99, green tire fixer for 8.99, clamps for the nutcracker at 16.58 for a new remaining balance of 282.59 as of 12/14/2021. We voted in December that anything over the $500 for the red cart would be used form the Youngman Funds. The total was 541.23. So, as of 1/31/2022 we have 241.36 left with the Youngman funds to purchase our needs for the program. (We discussed this fund and what we can do with it. We discussed just leaving these funds here. We also brought up that we used a forklift earlier in the day and the preliminary report stated that the cost would be about $300. Norma B moved that if we are charged for the forklift, we use the Youngman funds to pay for it. This motion was 2nd and all were in favor.
New Business
Jessica read the Reminder : 2 hours must be done at the site location
Jessica reminded everyone that we need Target help
Jessica asked if anyone had any fundraising ideas. Some discussions happened and thoughts were: Bake sale, plant sale, online craft sale, Rummage sale, possibly Oregon Dine Out, and enhancing our bottle drop fundraisers. Jessica asked anyone to contact Patty for suggestions.
Alicia asked if we wanted to order Hams for Easter (April 17th) this year. Alicia reviewed the cost of a ham and how much we have in the grant fund. After some discussion, it was discussed that we do nothing. This conversation ended.
Open Questions and Answers -- What's going well, what’s not?
Patty had something to bring up. She wanted to pay attention to any grumbling that has been happening that we (the leaders of gleaners) are not doing the program the correct way. At no point is it okay to gossip outside the building about the program. If you have questions, please come to either Patty, Jessica, or Alicia.
Outreach Coordinator – Birthday Cards, Phone Calls, etc (Alicia to request a birthday list request for letters). Patty Nichols has agreed to take this project on. More details to come.
Jessica read the Job List to remind folks where we need help. Patty reminded that we have the blog that has sign ups and 4 hours is the minimum. Anyone is welcome to help more than 4 hours. We have many jobs listed and always can use help with the cleanup.
Wednesday Pickup Helper
Pig Bin cleaning – Wednesday
Wash/Clean the Van – Monday afternoons
Friday – Help unload the Van
Wednesday – Help and clean the walk ins
Cardboard Recyling as needed
Someone asked when we will be doing the distribution of the goods received on 2/15. Alicia let everyone know once we had a feel for how much we had, that Patty and she would come up with a plan for a special distribution.
Jessica ended the meeting at 7:15pm
Gleaner Secretary: Alicia Warren
Next monthly member meeting will be April 12, 2021
Please vote with this link: