Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Shopping Mindfulness:

We have been seeing a great reduction in produce. This is not just a Philomath Gleaners issue as all of the gleaner groups are seeing a trend in reduced donations. With growth comes change. 

Today, we ask you shop with mindfulness. We do not want to put limits on produce so we will try to ask for mindful shopping. 

We want to share some data. One Saturday this month, we had 84 families shop and the following Monday we had 53 families shop. This is 137 families in 1 week needing food from our program. When we only get in a limited quantity of produce and it is gone halfway through the shopping day from folks taking bulk amounts of one item or bulk produce, we have nothing for the rest of our members. 

Below is a photo of tubs that were full of produce at the start and by 1:30 they looked like this. We still had until 4:15 to go for shoppers.