Wednesday, October 18, 2023

To Craft fair or to not craft fair.....

We had a meeting last night and we are not sure what the whole membership would like to do, so it is going out here to vote on. Please take a minute to vote. This is a membership program and your opinion is valued! 

November 4th and 5th (in 2 ish weeks)
The 1st is the very large Philomath Frolic Craft Fair at the Philomath Elementary School. This fair is well attended but also has higher end crafts and many many vendors to compete with. Saturday (9-5) and Sunday (10-3). The cost we believe is $50 for both days and a table in the hallway - possibly that is bring your own table cost as well. 

December 7, 8, and 9
The 2nd craft fair we have been invited to is a smaller venue at a house hosted by Learning2live here in Philomath. The cost for the smaller venue is $10 per day. Pros and cons: We could have a table located outside on the patio. We could have a table indoors. We are not sure what kind of traffic this craft fair brings in. Pros: We could possibly sign up for each day and don't have to commit to all 3 days as well as the cost is only $10 per day.

Let's close the vote Friday at 9am