Friday, June 28, 2024

Volunteer Shifts Need Coverage Tomorrow, Saturday

We have four open volunteer slots for tomorrow. 
-Check-In 2-4 PM  (shop at 1:30)
-Check-Out 2-4 PM (shop at 1:35)
-2 Slots for Clean-up 3:30-4:30 (no shopping)

Please sign-up below:

Shopping sign up for June 29th and July 1st

 Shopping sign up for June 29th and July 1st


Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Saturday list -

Monday - Please text Alicia if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday
Monday List - **Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families.**

READ TODAY : Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then  you can contact Patty for Saturday or Alicia for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. 

READ TODAY: Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 175 families and just over 520 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important. 

Please be patient as we are adjusting to a new system and we are attempting a start time for shopping at 11:30. We will be testing the times to see if this start time works for our program. Our goal is to maintain our cleanup time and be able to serve all of our families. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Volunteer Opportunities Week 06/28/24 - 07/4/24


Volunteer Opportunities Week 06/28/24 - 07/4/24

Garden Hours are part of the "alternative" hours and limit out at 2 hours per month per household

Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless PRE-authorized by Patty 

(Tues, Wed Thursday, Friday and Saturday) and Alicia for Monday


1. You can only sign up for 1 shift every 24 hours to allow others the opportunity to sign up. 

2. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

3. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back

June 2024 Meeting Minutes

 Philomath Community Gleaners  

Monthly Meeting Minutes 

June 11, 2024 @ 7:00pm ZOOM MEETING ONLY 

Welcome – 7:04pm by Patty Nobles 

Attendees: Patty N, Tim W, Alicia W, Ann M, Holly K, Dana H, Kelsea N, Chelsea S, Susan R, Jodie S, Debbie P, Danielle B, Jen L, Elaine K, Jody T, Jill N, Renay S, Karen C, Ann M, Janel L, Brian L,  


Updates from PCS Nothing really to update now. 


April Meeting Minutes – were posted for reading. Need to approve.    

Chelsea S moved. Valerie Spencer. All were in favor 



Treasurer Report (s) -    Ann Morgan Read through the report        

Philomath Gleaners 


April 2024 



























Bottle Drop 























OSU Thrift Store Grant 












LBFS Fuel Grant 












Community Gleaners-Truck Rental 










Total Revenues 























Food Share 











Food Share Non Food 














































OSU Motor Pool 











Personal Care 









Total Expenditures 





Philomath Gleaners 


May 2024 
























































Siletz Grant 











Yard Sales 










Total Revenues 























Food Share 

































Gas - $820 was gas cards 












Personal Care 












OSU Truck Rental 
















Total Expenditures 






















Ann Morgan, Treasurer 




Jodie Smalley Moved to approve the treasurer report. Chelsea 2nd it. All were in favor. Motion passed. 


Grant information 

Current Grants: 

Roundhouse Grant 23-13 (Starts 11/1/23 - 10/31/2024) $2500 for food and hygiene. Still have $212.59 

Oddfellows Grant - $800 for hygiene only- - $00 

OSU Folk (24-2) $1100.00 (received 4/1) - Not in the reports above. PCS is the holder of this grant, we got $1100.00 of the $4000.00 

Siletz Grant Awarded May 2024 - $3000.00 

LBFS Gas Grant $410.00  (note this will be spent by 6/30/2024 as per grant) 

Reports to be completed (Grants spent in full) 

Siletz Grant 23-15 (Nov 2023) pick up $3000.00 


Grants Pending responses:  


Non funded grant:  


April Monthly service report - Alicia read the service reports. 


Total number of members- 505 (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 95 

Adoptee households – 73 

New households - 5 

Volunteer hours recorded – 1199 

Donated Miles – 3436 



Total pounds distributed to members: 29208 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 450 

Donation out –     

    other community groups659 

    other gleaning groups - 310 

    Farm / animals1008 

629 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 46# each trip. That is an average value of $90.08 per shopping trip at $1.93 per pound value. 

**Hours needed by Gleaner Family – Total Hours recorded (1199) / # Gleaner Families (95) = 12.5 hours.  

May NUMBERS – Note we think the scale has been off!  

Total number of members- 495  (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 97 

Adoptee households – 72 

New households - 3 

Volunteer hours recorded – 1347 

Donated Miles – 4299 



Total pounds distributed to members: 27376 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 139 

Donation out –     

    other community groups1235 

    other gleaning groups994 

    Farm / animals1363 

529 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 52# each trip. That is an average value of $100.40 per shopping trip at 1.93 per pound value. 

**Hours needed by Gleaner Family – Total Hours recorded (1347) / # Gleaner Families (97) = 13.8 hours. 


Old Business 

Chain of Command Policy:  

Patty N. - we wrote this policy per David Low. The board doesn’t like it when people go around the people in charge. If you have a problem, or if you need guidance, you need to come to one of us first. If we can’t help or its an issue, then you can go to Sharon next. She is the Executive Director of PCS. If you still are not satisfied, you then can go to Susan James at LBFS. Please note the Chain of Command policy in the policy and procedures manual. We will print out a copy of the chain of command policy. 


Patty - Shopping early. Incident where someone came a ½ hour early to shop. You need to wait until your shopping time to shop. We will have to tell you NO when you come if you are early.  


Patty - Children must be able to touch parents. Patty loves the kids that come to gleaners. They are the highlight of the day. Volunteer if it is safe. It is very important that you are able to touch your children if they are under age of 12. I have witnessed a child slip and fall on the cement. This creates a liability issue for our program.  


New Business 

Patty - Every position must be signed up for unless you are part of a designated crew. From now on, every spot you must be signed up to volunteer for unless you are part of a designated crew. You can not just come in to volunteer if you haven’t signed up. You need to get an okay from Patty, Timmy, or Alicia 


July Sale will be our last sale. We need to focus on the gleans.  


If you have anyone who has fruit for us to pick – please let us know. We are insured. We can also give receipts. Please let Patty know to make contact with them.  


Jodie S – Can we post to places that we do gleans or take donations. Patty will have FB person post about gleaning.  


Next sale – July 13th. We only have had the 1 sale and it was at the scout house. Bring your stuff up until the Friday before.  


Furniture Sale – This weekend...We have a lot of furniture. We are going to pull it out this weekend. Come by and check it out on Saturday. Pay what you can afford or what you think the item is worth 


We are in the loop to get OSU Recycling from the great move out. This might happen next week. We don’t know for sure the day. Patty won’t know until the 13th. We will need people to come help. If you come help you can come take what you want that day.  


Sharon purchased a pallet of water that is only for Volunteers. Volunteers of all PCS Volunteers.  


Cooler is down. Patty and Kael went and cleaned the outside cooler. Inside cooler won’t be fixed for 5-6 days. We will have to use the outside cooler. We will have to push everything to the outside cooler.  


End of yard sales for the program – we need to focus on gleaning 


Patty – this is a biggie. LBFS Rule per Susan James at a meeting. Susan is the head of our program at LBFS. People who volunteer on Distribution days will not be allowed to shop early. Everyone will have to sign up to shop. It really stinks for Patty as well. We have to give everyone the opportunity to shop first. This will start on July 1st We do think some people will quit. LBFS does have the availability to take away our fresh alliance runs. We can’t afford to loose this. Jen has no problem with this change and she shops on Mondays. Official shopping hours will have to change.  


We think shopping times will start:  

Saturday 11:30am.  

Mondays start at 12:00 


Alicia suggests that we pre-load the adoptees to each last name slot. Her concern is that folks who can’t drive at night get home before dark.  


Elaine – Reality it is a dice roll of what you are going to get. The mission is still treat everyone the same. Adoptees and gleaners. What you do for one, you do for all. Patty says she will not go against what Susan James says. She will quit before she is put in that situation. People can also go to the food bank. Patty has the responsibility she has offered to deliver to. Patty likely won’t come back to shop after she delivers her food to her adoptees and shop when her name is in the last group. She will likely go to the food bank.  


Alicia is concerned about adoptees coming in later and in the dark. This will need to be set up as a vote for all the members.  


Val S. Is it an option to leave everything how it is now. Patty: No, we have to abide by the LBFS rules. Val S. Honestly it sucks but she gets it.  


Patty, right now the food banks have much more food than we do and they get food before we ever will. Patty recommends everyone go to the food bank. Philomath Food bank lets you shop 2 times per month. South Town has 2 times per month shopping and you can go one a week and get bread.  


Someone needs to be moved to put the vote to the full membership. That you should say, we don’t want it to go further to. 


Elaine: We allow the physically impaired adoptees to shop first in each name slot. Renay 2nd. Elaine pulled that proposal out. No second happened. No vote happened. 


The members all agree: All members will have to sign up by their last name (both Gleaners and Adoptees). No vote is needed.  


Elaine. Likes that the adoptees go first in each name slot.  


Alicia asked if we can have changes take effect July 1st. There is a lot of back end planning that has to happen and she is worried that some folks will opt to not be gleaners anymore.  


We can not question someone's adoptee status. If we do, we have to audit the entire adoptee membership. Adoptees can drive and everything.  


We have been allowing adoptees to shop first. In order to do this . The IRS says that if you let people shop early, its like they are getting paid to volunteer. This is not an option for everyone. Adoptees who shop early – need to vote. Since we are going to go with gleaners and adoptees all must shop in their assigned group, we don’t need to vote.  


Timmy – Chain of command. Tree root. We cannot give fruit to people if the tree from the top down, we can’t do our jobs. Brought to attention. People have been concerned. What they can and cannot talk about at gleaners. We all have constitutional rights (freedom of speech, etc) but we all have to abide be the rules of the program while on the site.  Common sense time and restrictions. Timmy cannot conceal carry on gleaners property. I choose to be a member of gleaners so I choose to follow the rules. We cannot discuss politics or religion. Need to take it off the property. Thank you Timmy. ( Patty ) 


Patty - Statement mailed out this past week. LFBS mission has been and will be feeding people. We are not there to bring politics or religion to the site. Our site needs to be a safe place for everyone and that means leaving your options on religion and politics and any conversation about either at home.  


Patty – Parking lot. Tearing up our parking lot mid June or July. They are building it to the side by the garden. If you are disabled, you can use the Handicap parking. Everyone needs to obey the signs out front.  


Road – access to the road. Maybe early July is when they will start tearing up the road. Gerding has been nice enough to their driveway. They are not going to block Gerding. They did allow business access.  


Monthly Hours Requirement – Rules will be enforced. 8 hours per month. We can not ask for more than 8. Tonight you will get 1.5 hours of volunteer time.  

The reason we had to make some rules lately about limiting the volunteers and having folks sign up for volunteering is because we have had a few families who want to come and put in all their hours in 1 day. We have the entire rest of the  month where we need help so we had to put limits on this. This is not Patty’s group, but this is everyone's group.  


Cleanup you can sign up both people at the same time. You don’t have to do the single sign up rule.  


Reminder: ONLY MEMBERS can shop. You cannot bring friends or neighbors. Also, Non members can not shop for you or prior members. (we need to add as a policy) 


Reminder: You are not allowed to come early and expect to be allowed to shop.  


Ann M. Food handlers – send the link out again. Serve Safe.  


Question – Jen – Gleansdo you need your stuff picked. Jen does the produce. We had so many apples. Is there any way we can limit the gleans. Is it the rule we can’t turn it down. We got a ton last year. People were not taking them. Last year was an overwhelming apple and pear year. Monday Produce left for Saturday.  


Different this year. Sharon is in the office every day. She is tired of people dropping off fruit, leaving it there. When Patty comes in there are rollies of apples and pears out there. They think they can pick it up off the ground and give to us. We can’t do that. She won’t let people donate windfalls this summer.  


Old apple trees have high levels of arsnic. When the apples fall and are left on the ground, there is or can have arsnic in the food.  


Open Questions and Answers -- What's going well, what’s not?  


Policy for gleaning is that you go out and pick. You donate ½ of your pick to the adoptees. Its fine if it is just enough for just the adoptees. Sometimes people who are volunteering at the site can’t even go as they are manning the site/building.  


There were too many strawberries for the adoptees. All the adoptees had gone through and taken what they wanted. We are all supposed to do 2 gleans per year.  


Renay – can you make freezer bags of smoothies.  


Elaine: Special Distribution is an option for extra product. The people who do the glean don’t always want to share.  


One suggestion is that the people who do the glean, come back and take what is left over after the 2nd distribution.  


LBFS rule to donate the 50%. The work goes into picking the produce. We can run a special distribution  


The suggestion and solution was that for when we get bulk gleans that at the end of each distribution we offer a special distribution. We will have a volunteer come in and weigh out the special product. This will only be for items that won’t last and that were from the glean. 




Gleaners need to sign up at least once for a cleanup shift 

You are allowed to volunteer more than 8 hours per month. Adoptees need to wait 24 hours after posting the volunteer sign up to sign up to allow for gleaners to get hours in first. If you have your 8 hours in – please allow 24 hours before you sign up.  

Meeting closes at 8:37. Members who came will get 1 hours 45 minutes. 

Next monthly member meeting will be August 13, 2024.