**PLEASE NOTE: Instructions for signing up for items must be followed or drawing entry will be voided**
If you sign up and skip shopping or don't let us know, you will not be able to enter into the next drawing.
You can enter for ONLY 3 items.
First Last Name - 1S (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 2M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 3M (Add day of week HERE "M for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
Adding the day of the week after your name will help us with sorting and "hopefully" save us some time.
NEW!!! You may enter more than once for an item. Understand that you will only win one of the item, but you may put your "tickets" in the same drawing if desired.
Example: You really want a box of chocolates so you use two (of your three entries) and enter 1S & 2S in the chocolate category. (Upping your chances for winning that item) You might use your 3S entry for a different item.
Sign up here: