Saturday, March 8, 2025

Urgent: Shifts need coverage at PCS Monday

PCS Gleaners, our Monday Lead Michelle Finley has brought to our attention that we need coverage on Monday, big time. 

7 Shifts that need covered Monday:

  • Dishwasher 9:00 -12:00
  • Floater 1 9:00 -12:00
  • Floater 2 9:00 -12:00
  • Floater 3 9:00 -12:00
  • Check-out Person 11:30-1:00
  • Check-out Person 1:00-3:00
  • Clean-up 4:00-5:00
Sign up here:

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Shopping Sign up for March 8th and 10th

  Saturday list -

  • Saturday - Please text Jenni M if you need a spot after 9pm Friday

Monday List -

  • Monday - Please text Michelle Finley if you need a spot after 9pm Sunday

Sign up rule: If your time slot is full, please sign up for a later time slot in the day and add a NOTE that says (time slot full). You can also sign up for cleanup shift if the space is open. If all the slots are full after (and cleanup is full), then you can contact Jennie M for Saturday or Michelle Finley for Monday to get a slot prior to your name slot. We try hard to keep folks in their last name slot for fairness. Also, we do sometimes have to add slots before the shop time or double up in order to make sure every family has an opportunity to shop.

Failure to follow these directions may result in  your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason we may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 150 families and just over 450 individuals. 

There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them. 

Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up).  Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. 

Lastly, Please remember that there it is imperative to keep the shopping schedule accurate, we need shoppers to get through the shopping line without having side conversations. This is to keep the check-ins on-time and the carts in constant rotation.  

Meeting Minutes and Financial Activity Report

Meeting Minutes and Financial Activity Report

Thank you very much for participating in the listening and information session on Wednesday, 2/26/2025.  Getting together with the PCS Board of Directors has been a long time coming and the President of the board of PCS is thrilled by the feedback received.  The PCS Board and Gleaners have taken a huge step to resolve our misunderstandings and to establish a relationship based on respect, communication, and collaboration.  We are all encouraged by this.

The meeting video recording is on You Tube via a private channel (It is not publicly searchable, so the recorded information is private).  The video also has a transcript that accompanies the video conversation. Transcript document (70 pages).. It accompanies this video recording from the meeting on 2/26.

Video Recording:

Transcript Document: 

Summarized Meeting Minutes:

- Members of the board met with LBFS. In full we need to look forward, not back. 

-PCS Gleaners program Manager/Coordinator is a huge role- too much for just one person. Need more of a shared model. Several people have stepped up.

-Need to have a Gleaner Member Meeting to elect advisory board with training.

-Concerns were mentioned of past coordinators who were challenging. The board mentioned that the role the board has. Lots of policies. PCS board to interface with Gleaners advisory board when this happens. 

- Reiterated that Gleaners can approach the board with questions and concerns. Jodi, the Vice President of the Board of Directors urges you to contact her with questions or concerns. Jodi Russel email:

-- Gleaner program has a huge impact a reaches deeply into community. Imperative for synergy and collaboration. 

- Addressed Patty leaving

-Leadership conflicts, communication breakdown, food supply concerns, relationship with PCS, financial element.

-Drivers: Changing requirements with Fresh Alliance and Oregon Food Bank


What is going on with the building? Board is looking at long range plans for building due to capacity, repairs, ADA, etc. Eventually there will be a capital campaign, but not there yet. 

Who is in charge? Gleaner policy and procedures manual needs updating for 2025 including a clause on how to proceed with leadership/officer vacancies. 

Why are we in a leadership vacuum? Why is the communication with PCS so contentious? We don't want to be in a contentious position. The Gleaners lost the leadership (huge shoes to fill). We're missing key people to coordinate gleaning. Many hours required with no pay. 

Dwindling Food Supply- Why? Rumors that gleaners have purposefully been cut out financially(not true) & that's why food shelves are empty. Linn Benton Food Share's Susan James explained that LBFS has been receiving half of the amount of food they normally receive making the food on our shelves dwindle. Also explained that Food Banks receive the bulk and Gleaning programs are a supplemental food program so our program has lower priority of food than our local food banks.

" So it's prioritized. The food banks and the food pantries are prioritized emergency. They're

emergency food. They're the emergency providers. Gleaners are supplemental. So we're second tier or 3rd, as far as emergency." - Susan James, LBFS

 For example, just last year (2024) our gleaning group was picking up every week from the Linn Benton Food Share Warehouse of palletized food donations. Now we receive these donations every other week. Susan James also explained that our Target donations all go through the LBFS warehouse and get distributed based on their prioritizations. This has caused a great reduction in our donations from Target. Also, the Target donations and other food donations have slowly subsided since Covid. There are other donation sources being looked into as well as resources seeking funding for fuel/gas vouchers for volunteers driving personal vehicles for donation pickups.

Relationship with Board- are we allowed to come to meetings? PCS Board meeting minutes are available and sent to program coordinators. Gleaners get monthly budget reports that will be posted to the blog.

           Can we convert our materials into another language with help from LBFS? Yes, there                         is an intern at Stahlbush that can help with that. Contact LBFS for help with this. 

 Changing Driver Requirements?     Upcoming changes to requirements with Fresh Alliance and Oregon Food Bank: Every vehicle that picks up a food donation has to have somebody that has a food handler's card or a serve safe right whether you're picking up at target or you're picking up at dollar, General, or you're picking up at market of choice wherever it happens to be. Somebody in it has to have food handlers or a serve safe. And LBFS must have a copy of that.  And then, obviously, and we just only makes sense that every driver has to have a driver's license, and the vehicle has to have at least a liability insurance. There is a paper verification that goes along with this process.  Susan James will guide us through this at the meeting on the March 20th at her office. 

As we discussed at the meeting 2/26, the PCS Board wants PCS Gleaners to have monthly reports and to make them known to the membership.  You'll notice this one does not show any budget numbers.  That's because PCS Gleaners budget still needs to be determined. The board will be sure to keep us up to date with our programs financial standing and PCS board actions.  

 Financial Activity report from 1/1/25 to the end of February:

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Volunteer Opportunities Week 3/7/25 - 03/13/25


1. You are limited to 2 check in or out shifts per month.

2. You are not allowed to sign up for check in / out back to back.

3. Everyone must sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius unless pre-authorized by the Volunteer Coordinator, Anna (541-600-7451 or OR, Jennie on Saturday and Michelle on Monday.

4. Volunteers need to be on time or 5 minutes early. If you can't show up on time, please find another time to volunteer. Other volunteers have a schedule and we count on everyone being on time to keep the day moving.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Parent & Child Classes- Strengthening Rural Families

Hello friends at PCS!


Here are Strengthening Rural Families’ early childhood flyers for spring. 


Monday, March 3, 2025

Tomorrow, Cheesecake Donation

**Shifts Filled** Thanks to Kayrena, Emily and Amelia 

Unload Frozen Cheesecake at PCS

We need help unloading the van at the site tomorrow, Tuesday,  at 12:30. 

We're looking for up to three people to help with this. 

Please text (541)600-7451 (Anna) if you are able to help. 

Training for Drivers, Leads, and Program Members

 Susan James, the Linn Benton Food Share's Program Coordinator is holding a training session for PCS Gleaners drivers, leads, and all interested program members.

When: Scheduled Thursday March 20th from 2-5 PM at the CSC Corvallis office (1121 NW 9th St. Corvallis, Oregon 97330)

What: a training session for drivers, distribution helpers and more involved in the day to day operations of the gleaners. If interested in helping with pick ups, a Servsafe component can be done if requested.

Why: To keep our program up to date with rules that are meant to keep the food and people safe. 

Drawing: Sign up by Thursday



Please sign up by Thursday, March 6. You MUST plan on shopping either March 8 (Saturday) or March 10 (Monday). We will not tell you if you won or not as that is a lot of emails, etc. If you are not in town or do not plan to be shopping, then do NOT sign up. Any items not picked up by Monday shopping will be put back into the drawing for the next drawing. We do not save items unless we forget your items or we miss it on our end.

If you sign up and skip shopping or don't let us know, you will not be able to enter into the next drawing.

You can enter for ONLY 3 items. 

First Last Name - 1S (Add day of week HERE "M" for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 2M (Add day of week HERE "M" for Monday or "S" for Saturday)
First Last Name - 3M (Add day of week HERE "M" for Monday or "S" for Saturday)

Adding the day of the week after your name will help us with sorting and "hopefully" save us some time. 

You may enter more than once for an item. Understand that you will only win one of the item, but you may put your "tickets" in the same drawing if desired.  

Example: You really want a box of chocolates so you  use two (of your three entries) and enter 1S & 2S in the chocolate category. (Upping your chances for winning that item)  You might use your 3S entry for a different item. 


Link to the Drawing: