Thursday, March 6, 2025

Meeting Minutes and Financial Activity Report

Meeting Minutes and Financial Activity Report

Thank you very much for participating in the listening and information session on Wednesday, 2/26/2025.  Getting together with the PCS Board of Directors has been a long time coming and the President of the board of PCS is thrilled by the feedback received.  The PCS Board and Gleaners have taken a huge step to resolve our misunderstandings and to establish a relationship based on respect, communication, and collaboration.  We are all encouraged by this.

The meeting video recording is on You Tube via a private channel (It is not publicly searchable, so the recorded information is private).  The video also has a transcript that accompanies the video conversation. Transcript document (70 pages).. It accompanies this video recording from the meeting on 2/26.

Video Recording:

Transcript Document: 

Summarized Meeting Minutes:

- Members of the board met with LBFS. In full we need to look forward, not back. 

-PCS Gleaners program Manager/Coordinator is a huge role- too much for just one person. Need more of a shared model. Several people have stepped up.

-Need to have a Gleaner Member Meeting to elect advisory board with training.

-Concerns were mentioned of past coordinators who were challenging. The board mentioned that the role the board has. Lots of policies. PCS board to interface with Gleaners advisory board when this happens. 

- Reiterated that Gleaners can approach the board with questions and concerns. Jodi, the Vice President of the Board of Directors urges you to contact her with questions or concerns. Jodi Russel email:

-- Gleaner program has a huge impact a reaches deeply into community. Imperative for synergy and collaboration. 

- Addressed Patty leaving

-Leadership conflicts, communication breakdown, food supply concerns, relationship with PCS, financial element.

-Drivers: Changing requirements with Fresh Alliance and Oregon Food Bank


What is going on with the building? Board is looking at long range plans for building due to capacity, repairs, ADA, etc. Eventually there will be a capital campaign, but not there yet. 

Who is in charge? Gleaner policy and procedures manual needs updating for 2025 including a clause on how to proceed with leadership/officer vacancies. 

Why are we in a leadership vacuum? Why is the communication with PCS so contentious? We don't want to be in a contentious position. The Gleaners lost the leadership (huge shoes to fill). We're missing key people to coordinate gleaning. Many hours required with no pay. 

Dwindling Food Supply- Why? Rumors that gleaners have purposefully been cut out financially(not true) & that's why food shelves are empty. Linn Benton Food Share's Susan James explained that LBFS has been receiving half of the amount of food they normally receive making the food on our shelves dwindle. Also explained that Food Banks receive the bulk and Gleaning programs are a supplemental food program so our program has lower priority of food than our local food banks.

" So it's prioritized. The food banks and the food pantries are prioritized emergency. They're

emergency food. They're the emergency providers. Gleaners are supplemental. So we're second tier or 3rd, as far as emergency." - Susan James, LBFS

 For example, just last year (2024) our gleaning group was picking up every week from the Linn Benton Food Share Warehouse of palletized food donations. Now we receive these donations every other week. Susan James also explained that our Target donations all go through the LBFS warehouse and get distributed based on their prioritizations. This has caused a great reduction in our donations from Target. Also, the Target donations and other food donations have slowly subsided since Covid. There are other donation sources being looked into as well as resources seeking funding for fuel/gas vouchers for volunteers driving personal vehicles for donation pickups.

Relationship with Board- are we allowed to come to meetings? PCS Board meeting minutes are available and sent to program coordinators. Gleaners get monthly budget reports that will be posted to the blog.

           Can we convert our materials into another language with help from LBFS? Yes, there                         is an intern at Stahlbush that can help with that. Contact LBFS for help with this. 

 Changing Driver Requirements?     Upcoming changes to requirements with Fresh Alliance and Oregon Food Bank: Every vehicle that picks up a food donation has to have somebody that has a food handler's card or a serve safe right whether you're picking up at target or you're picking up at dollar, General, or you're picking up at market of choice wherever it happens to be. Somebody in it has to have food handlers or a serve safe. And LBFS must have a copy of that.  And then, obviously, and we just only makes sense that every driver has to have a driver's license, and the vehicle has to have at least a liability insurance. There is a paper verification that goes along with this process.  Susan James will guide us through this at the meeting on the March 20th at her office. 

As we discussed at the meeting 2/26, the PCS Board wants PCS Gleaners to have monthly reports and to make them known to the membership.  You'll notice this one does not show any budget numbers.  That's because PCS Gleaners budget still needs to be determined. The board will be sure to keep us up to date with our programs financial standing and PCS board actions.  

 Financial Activity report from 1/1/25 to the end of February: