Thursday, November 19, 2020

November Meeting Minutes - Vote for Approval!

Please vote to approve at the bottom link. 

Philomath Community Gleaners Monthly Meeting Minutes 

November 12, 2020 @ 6:30pm at Site/Zoom 

Welcome by Patty at 6:34pm 

PCS Report & Welcome – Jean reported on the items received from the Wildfire Evacuations. She has 17 boxes that will be taken to southern Oregon where there is a great need. Soon, items will be offered to the gleaners. Reminder about recycling should ONLY go in the recycle and that the trash is separate. She did a little overview of the plan for the walk in fridge that is in the works. The concrete has been poured and the city is bringing the cooler walls tomorrow. Plan is to have structure built in next few weeks. We will also be adding in tents for the walkway to keep dry.  PCS will have Benton County here to do a flu shot clinic on November 19th and all are welcome to come. Jean also let us know that Holiday Cheer is still accepting applications including children 18 and younger.  

Patty announced that the meeting minutes from Feb, August, October were approved online. 

Treasurer report for August / September / Oct was posted on the blog as to the most current financials. Tim moved to approve and Valerie G seconded. All were in favor.  

Elaine reported - no fundraising happening. She reported a need for Monday Closers. We will add to the Sign up Genius 

Tim is the new wood coordinator. He reported that we have offers of wood for Spruce, Oak, and Pine available but people need to contact him to set up a time to glean wood.  

Alicia read the Monthly service report for September below: 

Total number of members- 277   (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 57 

Adoptee households – 57 

New households - 3 

Volunteer hours recorded – 781 

Adoptee Hours –    Hours and  mile (included above)-Not counted 

Donated Miles – 1642 

Wood glean hours – none 

Wood glean miles donated – none  

Wood gathered/gleaned – none  


Wood Distributed – 1 cord to adoptee 

Total pounds distributed to members –  21,012 

Waste for OCT  –  4306 

Donation out –    

3944 pounds other groups  

1292 pounds to other gleaning groups 

New Business 

We are getting turkeys on November 20th, for distribution on the 21st and 23rd 


There were no Questions at this time 


Patty reported that we cannot require volunteers during covid. But, if you are shopping inside the building, you can help. Jenn suggested that we get the word out to those who are shopping that we need helpers. Suggestion was also that we have a check list for when doing cleanup for those that don’t do it often 


Patty reported that we have multiple items MISSING. We are missing the bylaws book by the office. A Chromebook that was donated to our program and that we had hoped to use for data entry has gone missing. Green racks that were put by the dumpster (outside of the dumpster) are gone and we have no receipt for them. Another item is the green rack by the pig waste is gone within the last 2 weeks. If you know where any of these items are, please let us know. 

Alicia and Patty are working with PCS to submit a United Way COVID Grant for gloves, masks, hand sanitizer, etc. Let Patty or Alicia know if you have ideas of COVID needs.  


Reminder: You can only shop for adopteesGleaners can shop for themselves or pick up a premade bag. You should only shop for 1 person while you are shopping for yourself so you can still finish in 8 minutes. Any additional ADOPTEES need food for can sign up for premade bags.  Alicia added that we cut off the sign ups at 9AM.  


Patty reported that the policy was approved that we will only allow 1 vote per family online.  


The cooler being Installed, Tents to be purchased – Update onlyTents plan to be used as a walkway. 


Do we want to alter shopping limits per week? Shopping 1 time per week during COVID? On November 2nd we had to turn away a person as we did not have space on the schedule. Alicia has also had to skip a week as their was no more room on a Monday as others were double shopping. We have 3-5 families who had shopped on Saturday come shop again on Monday. We need to consider limiting our shopping to 1 time per week. Either we limit it or we need to require the 8 hours of volunteer time for every family. --- Much discussion on this topic. We discussed that when people are late that the whole day becomes late. What do we do when folks are late? We don’t want to turn them down for food but we also need to keep the list moving and often the list is FULL. We can’t ask for our volunteers to stay late for folks who have missed their time. The suggestions was and we will test for 1 month that we prepare “Gleaner Boxes”. Also, we need to cut off the SIGN up time at 9am. If someone misses their time, they will get a premade BOX and bread and meat. It is highly suggested that you arrive 10 minutes early to allow for checking in. Robert requested that we remember to be compassionate and efficient. Some of our families are people who have challenges and that some folks left the gleaners as the group was too rigid. Patty asked Robert for his suggestion to make it better. Patty also asked the group as this is a group that we are all members and all have a voice in hour OUR program works. We need to be kind, but also not to let our kindness be taken advantage of. The group agreed to a “gleaner box” trial for a month and vote in December 2020. Many members suggested other places if there is a real need for more food. Food bank offers a 1 time per month food box, St. Vinnies has a food box, there are also multiple free sites for dinners each day of the week in Corvallis and Philomath. CSC is a great resource as well if you feel you still need additional food. Patty also added that the produce from GTF is getting less and less.  


Reminder - You can only get dog and cat food 1 time per week, any specials are only one per week. PUT ON THE BLOG.  


Alicia reported that we have grants for Personal Hygiene items we could use? List was posted today to the blog. Please put in some requests so we know how to use the funds.  


Patty reported that the nominations for Coordinator, Co-Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Wood Coordinator happened and we asked all whom were nominated if they would serve our program. We have 5 members willing to take on the volunteer positions and each position has no opposition. The rule of Election by Acclimation will apply. The following individuals are now your elected officers and will start on January 1, 2021. Coordinator: Patty Nobles, Co-Coordinator: Jessica Onstott, Secretary: Alicia Warren, Treasurer: Ann Morgan, Wood Coordinator: Tim Worl. We will need to get a list to PCS for approval. Motion passed to approve.  


We discussed a purchase of a Large Scale for Weighing out. The plan would be to roll our grocery carts right up onto a wheel chair scale and deduct the cart weight. No need to load and unload groceries from cart. Many have a hard time picking up their food in and out of the cart. Robert asked how our carts were and if we needed to replace any carts. We will have them looked at. Tim moved to approve the purchase up to $500 and Leona 2nd. Motion passed. 


We discussed the need for a new Chain Saw. Robert reported that he bought the last one and we might consider a larger one. He purchased the last one at the Saw place by Philomath Safeway. Tim will look into some prices, etc. We could even include this in a Siletz Grant.  


We have a request for food dehydrators for members to checkout and use. We have 3 upstairs and would like 3 more. They cost about $150 each. Ann suggested we put them into our Siletz grant request for December submission 


Discussion was had on opportunity for Target items. We need to have a link to a government agency. We would need to work with the City or the Fire Dept. Need a truck that can back up to a loading dock. Cost of Penske is about $300 plus mileage. Jessica works at OSU and we will look into that angle as well.  


Old Business- 

The following help is needed and will be posted to the blog.  

  • Monday Winco – 9am 

  • Wednesday – 10 am - 12pm 

  • Monday Clean up help 2-4 ish 

  • Saturday Help 3 – 4 ish 

  • Friday 10 – 12  

Next monthly member meeting will be December 10  

Please vote below! Votes due by November 26th at Noon.