Monday, May 30, 2022

Volunteer Hours! Members please read this....

Hello everyone. If you volunteered in the garden, please let Alicia know (text is fine) so we can make sure to get those hours in our books. The garden has separate hours but they count toward the gleaners as the garden is amazing and shares so much with our program! Alicia needs this no later than Tuesday at 8pm.

There are many opportunities to get your hours in for June. We have posted the garden hours as part of the volunteer hours on sign up genius. Check out all the opportunities!  (2 of your 4 volunteer hours can go to helping another gleaner with Child Care or helping in the garden). Remember 2 hours must be with the program directly. 

Fingers crossed we have more Target this month! 

In addition to this, the Great Move Out is happening and we will also offer this up as a 2 hour max volunteer time. You will need to send Alicia and email and let her know if you participated in this event. 

Volunteers Needed for the Great Move Out!

Each year, OSU has the opportunity to offer students an easy way to donate the items they no longer need while moving out, redistributing those reusable goods to nonprofits in our community - usually over 10 tons! It takes the hard work of both OSU staff and volunteers to make this happen. That’s why your help is needed! Here’s how:

  • What: Volunteers are needed for donation collection (joining staff on trucks to pick-up donated items from residence halls), sorting (sorting donated items into categories), and unloading (assisting off-campus students in unloading their items)
  • When: Various shifts are offered between 8am and 9pm, June 7-15th
  • Where: Collection shifts depart from the OSU surplus warehouse and sorting/unloading shifts are hosted at the Benton County Fairgrounds
  • Who: The Great Move Out is sponsored by OSU Surplus Property, Campus Recycling, and University Housing & Dining Services. For more info, please contact Andrea Norris of Campus Recycling at or 541-737-5398
  • Why: Benefit local nonprofits, reuse rather than waste goods, provide a needed service to students, and keep our curbs clear.  
  • To sign-up