Tuesday, August 16, 2022

August meeting Minutes from 8/9/22

    Philomath Community Gleaners Monthly Meeting Minutes 

    August 9, 2022 @ 6:30pm via ZOOM & In person 

    Welcome – 6:31pm 

    Attendees: In person: Patty Nobles, Linda O., Shelby O, Jessica O., and Alicia W 

    Attendees via Zoom: Amanda M., Patty McF., Dana H., Tesla C., Jill, Jodi B., Melissa S., Karen C., Kalea S., Elaine K., Michele D., Timmy W., and Melissa Bron. 

    Updates – David from PCS – There were no updates 

    June Meeting Minutes – Posted 6/26 for reading. Alicia referred to the post that minutes were posted. Elaine moved to approve the Minutes, Melissa S 2nd the motion. All were in favor. Motion Passed.  


    Treasurer Report (s) - 

    June & July – need to approve as reported today. Alicia read the following treasurer report. Patty Nobles moved to approve the treasurer report, Linda O 2nd. All were in favor. Motion passed. 

Philomath Gleaners 


June 2022 
































General Donations 













































Total Revenues 



























Food Share 













Food Share  














Gas (Town Pump) 


























Dollar General groceries 














OSU Motor Pool 


















Total Expenditures 































Ann Morgan, Treasurer 





Philomath Gleaners 


July 2022 












































Wenger Funds 























Crazy Daze 












Mid Valley Gleaners 










Total Revenues 


































Gas (Town Pump) 











OSU Motor Pool 











Food Share Non Food 











Food Share 









Total Expenditures 






















Ann Morgan, Treasurer 




Grant information 

Alicia read the information about grants to the group:  

Current Grants: 

Siletz grant 22-03 – 253.75 remaining 

We had another donor write us a check for $500 and we are going to track these funds although there were no restrictions on the funds.  

Chambers Grant for canning lids and freezer bags – all item purchased. Just need to be sorted 

We do track our funds the best we can. PCS also tracks fund in QuickBooks. Just for reference: We started the year with about 14,054.30 in restricted funds for the gleaners. Our current funds are 13,728.94. This means that we have only depended upon the PCS finances in the amount of $325.36. This is huge as we work really hard to be a self-sufficient program and are extremely thankful that PCS works hard to pay the power bill, keep the cooler running, fix broken faucets, etc. It is the effort of all of our members who make fundraising possible!  


Grants Pending responses:  


Grants Working on:  

Fred Meyer Community Grant – Alicia is requesting for Toilet paper and Paper towels – it is almost ready to sent out  

Walmart Community Grant – PCS redid a grant for May so we will try to do in August. 

Bi-Mart Community Grant – Still working on this one  

Roundhouse – requesting food and hygiene items. Grant is almost complete. 

Timmy is looking into Patagonia grants 


Monthly service report -  

Alicia read the Monthly Service Report to the group.  


Total number of members- 485  (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 98 

Adoptee households – 57 

New households - 15 

Volunteer hours recorded – 1148 

Donated Miles – 3050 



Total pounds distributed to members: 33,210 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 6306 

Donation out –     

    other community groups - 8468 

    other gleaning groups -  8225 

    Farm / animals - 3604 

467 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 71# each trip. That is an average value of $ 118.76 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value. 



Total number of members- 475 (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 95 

Adoptee households – 60 

New households - 11 

Volunteer hours recorded – 1327 

Donated Miles – 3725 




Total pounds distributed to members: 31,566 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 2771 

Donation out –     

    other community groups - 2817 

    other gleaning groups - 5760 

    Farm / animals - 4197 

494 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 64# each trip. That is an average value of $ 106.71 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value. 

Old Business 

Patty reported on the Benton County Fair. Patty thanked everyone who came and volunteered. We have been invited back for next year which says a lot about our program. We should expect to see a $1,000 check coming soon.  

We are planning to have a Crazy Dayz will be August 20th 

Alicia reported: There is still about 100.00 remaining from the 1000 that we had donated for the program. We were just tracking for our own purposes. Alicia will no longer track. We have been using supply funds for the dots and other needs as well. We have more than made good use of the funds.  

 New Business 

We require 5 hours for Volunteer time. Most folks put in more than 5 hours. Jessica mentioned that we really do need help and on Fridays too. Jessica is running the Friday site on the 12th 


Announced : We need people to help with target this week. 


Be mindful of the amount of produce. Example if there are 5 melons only take one. We are meant to supplement your grocery budget. For example: if there are only 3 watermelon, please only take 1!  

Cooler update – no update.  


Open Questions and Answers -- What's going well, what’s not?  

Linda: the tent came apart outside and they put it back together. As winter is coming and we are continuing to get donations and Target, where are we going to put all of this stuff we are getting? There is no real answer.  


Melissa Bronson: She says she sees who helps and who doesn’t. Some folks put in a lot of time to the program.  


Timmy – He would like to remind folks on how to stack the bins so it is easy for people to take them on a store run. They need to be stacked in groups of 5 tubs and 5 lids. The lid needs to go on the tub to make sure no critters can get into the tub.  


Reminder: What we all do affects everyone. Each persons actions affect the whole group.  


Linda: Asked about the bread and why we save the bread for the next distribution. Alicia explained that for the first time since joining, we had a week where there was “1” piece of bread left over after distribution. In an effort to make sure we have bread for our members, we opted to do the following:  

Bread from Monday store pickups will be stored for Saturday distribution. Bread from Tues – Sat will be saved for Monday distribution. This way, if we need to keep bread instead of sharing, we have it.  


Elaine asked about bumping our hours up to increased volunteer hours. We used to have 8 hours per month as the required hours pre-covid. Patty responded that we have many single moms and families who are struggling to get in the 5 hours. At this time, we really just want everyone to pitch in where they can to lighten the load.  


Dishwashing – It has been suggested that sometimes it is hard to find a spot to volunteer. It was suggested that we limit the dishwashers (morning shift) to 1 time per month to allow more folks to sign up to help. This way, the same people are not always helping with dishwashing. This will allow for everyone to participate in dishwashing.  


Tesla had a suggestion that we put up signs on the diapers, wipes, and target goods that these items don’t come free, but with the hard work on volunteers. That you too could help with this process.  


Patty reminded folks to not judge others. There are key people that know what is going on in different families. Not everyone knows another families struggles.  


Patty let everyone know we would be having Target on Thursday the 11th and will need helpers.  

Elaine brought up the video of the jobs at the site. She suggested that we have a video of all of the jobs that a person can do. This is a great idea. We would need someone to do it. And, we need to make sure those involved are okay with the video being done. Alicia’s POST MEETING added note for all to read: please remember that before any photo or video is taken, you need parent / member approval.  


There was an extra Thank you to Patty for all she does for this program. This is the best this program has ever been.  

Elaine asked about blueberry gleans and if we would get them. Patty responded that we really don’t know when we will get gleans. With the weather this year, it may not be as good as past years. This is why it is going to be imperative that we all participate in gleans this year.  



  • Gleaners need to sign up at least once for a cleanup shift  

  • You are allowed to volunteer more than 5 hours per month.  



Next monthly member meeting will be October 11, 2022 

Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm