Monday, February 20, 2023

Spotlight on a Policy - February

 Spotlight on a Policy 


This month we will spotlight: 

Policy 2: Minimum Service 

2.1. A minimum of six (6) hours volunteer time each month is required from Gleaner households, in order to be members in good standing and participate in distributions. Field gleans hours count toward regular volunteer hours.  All members are responsible for recording their own hours.


All 14 gleaning groups under the Linn-Benton Foodshare have a requirement of volunteer service. Each group has a different requirement regarding hours. The elected board will adjust our volunteer hours based upon the availability of volunteer hours that we foresee for the next few months 

Philomath Community Gleaners is a cooperative as there are no paid positions. Everyone is under the same rules as everyone else in our group, with no one receiving preferential treatment for putting in extra hours. Our group benefits when we all pitch in and work together to share the responsibilities of our group, so feel free to sign up for as many hours as you wish (6 or more), and meet new friends and help our group.