Friday, March 10, 2023

Greetings to our gleaner family

Greetings to our gleaner family

We am so happy how we come together in order to get things accomplished.  For example, the building of our new tent and doing Target in the rain yesterday, we truly appreciate everyone.  We realize that for many members of our family there are struggles to feed our families, which is why gleaners is so important. We do our best to make both distribution days as fair as possible. Each day offers different products from the daily pickups and all Linn-Benton foodshare product is distributed based on the amount of people that shop on each day. 

We do our best to supplement everyone's food shopping budget, from the amazing products we receive from Target, to the quantity of frozen food we received last week. I personally ask any member that has an issue with how we distribute product to contact me or any member of the board and discuss the issue  and together we can figure out a better way of doing things. We also will be having an advisory board meeting on Tuesday, and if anyone would like to be  on the board, please contact me at 541-829-3980.

Thank you everyone. It is my honor to serve you.
