Friday, August 20, 2021

Saturday Sign up 8/21/2021

Hello Members! Please make sure to come 10 minutes early! I will post meeting minutes a little later today. We are also in need of helpers for the yard sale, so scroll down if you can come and help - still have spots open - remember you NEED to get your 4 hours in for the month. You have 10 days to get these hours in!

UPDATE - We have been trying the texting method on the sign up genious but we have already exceeded the texts limit. Thankfully, I (Alicia) just paid for 1 month for a real trial instead of a year. This will not work for us. I did figure out that I can group text from my phone and it will be a blind copy, so I will be using this for now. It is free and since I can group text it won't be so time consuming. I will still continue to do the emails for now with Sign up genious and we can decide if we want to continue paying for this or if we want to go back to using regular email (free) and link the blog which is what we were doing 2 weeks ago and it worked. I will send both Sign up Genious as well as old method today to make sure we are getting everyone.