Monday, June 20, 2022

Meeting Minutes from April 2022

Dear Members - We will be having our meeting tomorrow evening. I don't see that I posted the April minutes. Please take time to read through the minutes and be ready to approve at the meeting tomorrow.


Philomath Community Gleaners Monthly Meeting 


April 19, 2022 @ 6:30pm via ZOOM & In person 

Attendees in person: Alicia W., Patty N., Jessica O., Linda O., Leona C., Ann Morgan 

Attendess via zoom: Renay S., Fela L., Danielle B., Michele D., Iphone person???, Shannon K., Tesla C., Jennifer G., Elaine K., Jodi B., Lee Dixon. 


Jessica let folks know they could read this:  

February  Meeting Minutes were posted and approved via online vote (see photo) – Alicia 

  • Forms response chart. Question title: I approve the meeting minutes from February 2022 as posted. Number of responses: 12 responses. 


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Treasurer Report (s) - 


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Grant information 

Jessica read about  Current Grants: 

Siletz Grant (food only) from 2021 ($2000 - $614.80 remaining as of 4/12/22 


Alicia read the  update about Grants Pending responses:  

Chambers Grant for canning lids and freezer bags 

BCF grant for Transporation coverage and possibly plastic warehouse sheeting 

Siletz Grant due March. Ann submitted this and we are waiting to hear back.  


Alicia read the update about Grants Working on:  

Fred Meyer Community Grant – Alicia is requesting for Toilet paper and Paper towels – it is almost ready to sent out  

Costco Community Grant – this is ready, Alicia has to hand deliver – typically $50 gift card 

Walmart Community Grant – will be able to apply in May 2022 or after 

Bi-Mart Community Grant – Still working on this one  


Monthly service report - Members were asked to look this over and see if they had questions. Jessica read the blurbs about number of shops for both months. Some discussion was had that we have had a jump in membership in the gleaners in the past 2 months.  

February NUMBERS 

Total number of members-   334 (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 64 

Adoptee households – 56 

New households - 4 

Volunteer hours recorded – 1031 

Donated Miles – 2381 



Total pounds distributed to members: 32,280  

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 4,207 

Donation out –     

    other community groups - 4,863 

    other gleaning groups - 14,738 

    Farm / animals - 2,377 

436 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 74# each trip. That is an average value of $ 123.64 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value 



Total number of members-    413 (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 77 

Adoptee households – 56 

New households - 16 

Volunteer hours recorded – 1,094 

Donated Miles – 2,442 




Total pounds distributed to members: 30,655 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 10,261 

Donation out –     

    other community groups - 2,111 

    other gleaning groups - 9,068 

    Farm / animals - 3,434 

422 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 73# each trip. That is an average value of $ 121.31 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value. 


Old Business 

1000.00 Funds – most requested we purchases the rolling carts. We purchased 3 already for 389.00. They are $105.00 each plus shipping. With $611.00 remaining. Alicia purchased some small clear totes this week for $23.94, current amount available 586.06 as of October Meeting. We then purchased Totes at Bi-mart for 39.99, the garden cart for 94.00, 10 ten-gallon totes to use at GTF for 103.92, an emergency air pump for 39.99, green tire fixer for 8.99, clamps for the nutcracker at 16.58 for a new remaining balance of 282.59 as of 12/14/2021. We voted in December that anything over the $500 for the red cart would be used from the Youngman Funds. The total was 541.23. So, as of 1/31/2022 we have 241.36 left with the Youngman funds to purchase our needs for the program. 4/12/2022 UPDATE, we purchased 10 totes from Bi-mart earlier this month @ 99.90, so our new total is $141.46. What are any other needs at the site?  

4/21 meeting - Patty said she feels we are good on totes for the building. She thought we could use another good size rolling cart like we got before. Alicia moved to approve up to $200 for a second cart and use up these funds. 100% of the attendees were in favor.  




 New Business 

Jessica reminded everyone that the Civil Rights Training online – would like everyone to watch it 


Discussion of the Relocation of the coffee. Norma said we have a cart on wheels behind the cooler and she offered to get it and set it up with Linda.  


Farmers Market (need an alternate helper and additional helper April 20-Nov 23rd – every other Wednesday). We currently have a driver but it would be great to have a backup driver or a backup for all of our pickups.  


Serve safe training-Patty explained that some folks need to have their food safety training. If anyone else would like to take it, it is a free program and certificate through LBFS.  


Volunteer training for all-We are not sure what this was about and possibly a future training with LBFS.  


Patty -- Target days – reminder that we are not allowed to take ANYTHING from the site  


Patty -- Racks – Please do not re-arrange racks during distribution. Racks are arranged so everyone gets a fair amount. Please leave the empty totes until cleanup.  


Patty, we have a Keurig machine (Commercial) upstairs. What do we do with them. We discussed that they need to go to a place that is a partner agency as well as one that could plumb in the line for them. This isn’t something that is a household use item nor even for PCS. We would need someone to help call partner agencies and find a home for the machines (2).  


Patty – Children are allowed at the site. Patty wanted to make sure that all folks knew kids are allowed and as long as they are safe it is good. Parents are responsible for the children and our insurance doesn’t cover children under the age of 12. Follow basic safety protocol, no running in the parking lot, and be safe.  


Patty -- Garden Hours can be used for your gleaner hours for up to 2 of your 4 required hours. The garden is in need of help and the garden shares produce with the gleaners.  


Patty -- June's kid kloset – discussion is happening on having JKK open one Saturday per month to meet the needs of the community and to be open during gleaner hours. We would like to have a gleaner be able to manage and volunteer at JKK during these hours. Please let us know if you are interested.  


JKK needs a program manager. If this is of interest, please let Patty know and she will contact you.  


Patty -- Policy and Procedure manual, and site manual is available on the blog as well as a hard copy at the checkout desk. Members are required to know the policies of the program. You need to familiarize yourself with the policies. This policy is constantly evolving. You will find a “what you can expect from gleaners” and a “what we expect from you” in the policy. There are reasons we have policies, so please take the time to read them.  


Patty -- Cooler update. We hope to get a crew together to clean the cooler in early May and have the cooler up and running by June 1st. 


Patty - Yard Sale will be the first Saturday in May. We will post an update to the blog with information from Melissa S. as soon as we have it.  


Patty -- Fundraiser for Benton County Fair. We have been offered a fundraising opportunity at the Benton County Fair. We will be ticket takers on Thursday of the fair. Patty plans on having 2-hour shifts. We have 3 gates to manage. Each person will be given a golden ticket that allows entry into the fair each day. Each person will also get a free parking ticket for the week. No children under 12 will be allowed but children 12 and older can be with their parents 


Patty - Back to gleaning information from Susan James – Fela is our gleaner boss. Every family is required to participate in 2 gleans for the year. You will be able to take home half of what you pick and the other half come to the gleaners. OSU has extra produce this year and we hope to get more pickups from them.  


Patty – We need someone who is willing to check the gleaner voicemail every week. It will be a ½ hour of volunteer time for this job for each week. That will be 2 of your 4 hours. We would like for someone who has a hard time getting hours in take this. One member offered and we will connect with her to do this job.  


Patty announced we have Target this week. Alicia will put up the volunteer sign up tonight or tomorrow.  


Reminder: 2 hours must be done at the site location 


Open Questions and Answers -- What's going well, what’s not?  



  • Gleaners need to sign up at least once for a cleanup shift  

  • You are allowed to volunteer more than 4 hours per month.  


Next monthly member meeting will be June 14, 2022