Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Zoom Meeting Link and Agenda

 PCS Host is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Gleaners Bi-Monthly Membership Meeting

Time: Jun 21, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 825 7505 9366

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Meeting ID: 825 7505 9366

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Philomath Community Gleaners Monthly Meeting 

June 21, 2022 @ 6:30pm via ZOOM & In person 

  • Welcome - 

  • Updates – David from PCS 

  • April Meeting Minutes – Posted 6/20 for reading. Need to approve 



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Treasurer Report (s) - 

April Meeting – we forgot to approve the Treasurer report for March and April – see report below:  



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Philomath Gleaners 


April 2022 













































Other Donations 





















































Total Revenues 



























Food Share 




















































OSU Truck Rental 











Total Expenditures 


































































Ann Morgan, Treasurer 






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Philomath Gleaners 


May 2022 















































































Siletz Grant 



























Charity and Donations 












Total Revenues 



























Food Share 













Food Share 








































OSU Truck Rental 



















Total Expenditures 


























Ann Morgan, Treasurer 














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Grant information 

Current Grants: 

Siletz Grant (food only) from Grant 21-14 $822.78 

$1500 donation received from local donors


Grants Pending responses:  

Chambers Grant for canning lids and freezer bags 

BCF grant for Transportation coverage and possibly plastic warehouse sheeting – we did not get this grant 

Costco Community Grant – We got a $50 gift card and purchased TP with it. 


Grants Working on:  

Fred Meyer Community Grant – Alicia is requesting for Toilet paper and Paper towels – it is almost ready to sent out  

Walmart Community Grant – PCS redid a grant for May so we will try to do in August. 

Bi-Mart Community Grant – Still working on this one  


Monthly service report -  


Total number of members-  455  (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 87 

Adoptee households – 58 

New households - 12 

Volunteer hours recorded – 1070 

Donated Miles – 2399 



Total pounds distributed to members: 33,076 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 3919 

Donation out –     

    other community groups - 2889 

    other gleaning groups - 5210  

    Farm / animals - 2931 

488 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 68# each trip. That is an average value of $ 113.19 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value. 



Total number of members-  467   (including children)  

Gleaner Households – 93 

Adoptee households – 57 

New households - 9 

Volunteer hours recorded – 903 

Donated Miles – 2547 




Total pounds distributed to members: 25,031 

Waste (Pallets, trash, Recycle) 2522 

Donation out –     

    other community groups - 692 

    other gleaning groups - 6294 

    Farm / animals - 2645 

454 Shops for the Month, average pounds per family was 55# each trip. That is an average value of $ 92.07 per shopping trip at 1.67 per pound value. 


Old Business 

  • 1000.00 Funds – most requested we purchases the rolling carts. We purchased 3 already for 389.00. They are $105.00 each plus shipping. With $611.00 remaining. Alicia purchased some small clear totes this week $23.94, current amount avail 586.06 as of October Meeting. We then purchased Totes at Bimart for 39.99, the garden cart for 94.00, 10 ten gallon totes to use at GTF for 103.92, an emergency air pump for 39.99, green tire fixer for 8.99, clamps for the nutcracker at 16.58 for a new remaining balance of 282.59 as of 12/14/2021. We voted in December that anything over the $500 for the red cart would be used form the Youngman Funds. The total was 541.23. So, as of 1/31/2022 we have 241.36 left with the Youngman funds to purchase our needs for the program. 4/12/2022 UPDATE, we purchased 10 totes from Bimart earlier this month @ 99.90, so our new total is $141.46. What are any other needs at the site?  


New Business 

  • Increase our volunteer hours to 6 hours per month 

  • Gleaning and the importance this year 

  • July 4th – We will still have distribution and extra store pickups. 

  • Volunteer training for all 

  • Target days – reminder that we are not allowed to take ANYTHING from the site  

  • Racks – Please do not re-arrange racks during distribution 

  • Keurig machine (Commercial) - what to do with them? 

  • Policy and Procedure manual, and site manual 

  • Cooler update 

  • Yard Sale – Mellissa will fill us in 

  • Online yard Sale 

  • Fundraiser for Benton County Fair – August 4th 

  • Open Questions and Answers -- What's going well, what’s not?  




  • Gleaners need to sign up at least once for a cleanup shift  

  • You are allowed to volunteer more than 4 hours per month.  



Next monthly member meeting will be August 9, 2022