Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Volunteer Opportunities Week 4/19 to 4/25

PLEASE READ : Changes in Volunteering: 

1. Membership household can only sign up for 2 desk volunteer (Check in/out) slots per month.  

2. The desk job on Monday (1st shift) will change to shopping after the volunteer shift to ease the bottleneck at the start of the day. 

As always, if you make any changes after 9pm the prior evening, you MUST text Patty (DO NOT EMAIL WHEN YOU CANCEL as we do not check email as often) (Tues - Sun volunteer shifts) or Alicia (Monday shifts) so we can get the spot filled. 

Please make sure to get our numbers in your phones: 

Patty - Coordinator 541-829-3980

Alicia - Secretary 541-231-7127