Friday, August 4, 2023

Policy Change -- 1.1.2. Adoptee:

See change in BOLD below

1.1.2. Adoptee: An Adoptee Household is a household where no member is either physically or

mentally capable of performing the gleaning program’s hours of required service. Adoptee households
are encouraged to help but are not required to put in volunteer hours. Adoptees must wait 24 hours after a volunteer sign up is posted to sign up to allow for all Gleaning members to have the opportunity to get the sign up as their membership requires volunteer hours. Adoptee households have the
same rights as gleaning households. Adoptees are expected to vote and help with fundraisers when
possible. Adoptees are subject to periodic review on a case-by-case basis. If you are able to be
employed, you are not an Adoptee.