Wednesday, May 15, 2024

New Policy on Minimum ON SITE volunteers and Delivery / ride share rules & Revised : Policy 6: Adoptee Food Delivery Drivers Responsibilities;

Policy #6 takes effect immediately

Policy 1.4.5 & 1.4.6 takes effect on June 1, 2024

1.4.5 On site volunteer requirement 

Members are required to put in at least 4 hours of volunteer time on site. This helps our program as a whole but also allows for members to add value to the program and understand the work it takes to make the program a success and put food on tables.  

1.4.6 Volunteering for Delivery to Adoptees & DSP employees

a. There is a 4 hour minimum on site volunteer requirement for all members. 

b. The delivery volunteer limit is 4 hours per month or 1 hour per week. 

c. Members are not allowed to claim hours for delivering to family members. 

d. We will only allow ½ hour for giving a ride to an adoptee per week.  

e. If you are being paid as a caregiver to shop for a client, you are not allowed to count the time as volunteer time. No double dipping allowed.  

f. If you are not getting paid, we may request you to sign a document stating you are not getting paid to do an adoptees shopping.  

g. Members will need to write down their hours or use the online portal to document their hours. 

f. Drivers must knock and wait outside "a release form allowing the driver to enter a residence must be signed if the adoptee requires assistance bringing the food  inside"

Revised : Policy 6: Adoptee Food Delivery Drivers Responsibilities; 6.6.1 Deliverers must distribute food immediately after assembled or stored in the walk-in refrigerator until delivery. 6.6.2 Boxes cannot be left on a doorstep unless notified by the recipient. 6.6.3 Deliverers should inform the coordinator of any changes in status to who they are delivering to. 6.6.4: The safety of the Food Deliverer is important, if the deliverer has safety concerns, let the Program Manager / Coordinator know in order to make other arrangements 6.6.5: The following Rules for Adoptee Delivery Drivers must be strictly adhered to: Recognize your own personal boundaries Avoid getting into situations that could be misunderstood Think before you say ‘Yes’ Do not give out your home phone number or address DON’T take the other person to your own home DON’T become emotionally over-involved DON’T get involved in a sexual or intimate relationship DON’T accept any form of harassment/violence from others. Report any situation to the Program Manager The Philomath Community Gleaners, Inc. Procedure and Policy Manual Updated May 15, 2024 Page 16 DON’T buy expensive gifts or give money to participants DON’T accept expensive gifts or money from participants DON’T lend to or borrow from participants money/material goods DON’T give rides to participants Absolutely NO Physical Contact with participants Drivers must knock on the door, step back, wait for participant to come to the door, have participant sign sheet as proof of delivery Drivers are never allowed to enter a participant's domicile DRIVERS MUST REPORT ANY ISSUES TO THE PROGRAM MANAGER IMMEADIATELY

Drivers must knock and wait outside "a release form allowing the driver to enter a residence must be signed if the adoptee requires assistance bringing the food  inside"