Friday, May 10, 2024

Spare room - Income - Individual looking for a place

A note from Mark at PCS: 

I wonder if there are any Gleaners who would be interested in sharing their home for extra income.

My friend, James Paul, used to donate his garden's organic produce to the Marys River Gleaners and is now looking for a place to live. He is willing to pay $700 to $1,000 per month to a Gleaner or Gleaner family for a compatible home.

He prefers non-users of tobacco or illegal drugs; and someone who is willing to help with household care, is "solvent" (I had to look that up - I guess someone who is not deep in debt,) and is good natured.

I can personally attest that James is very kind and orderly. He is an older gentleman in his 70s and has been very involved in the local sustainability/nonprofit scene. He has his own car and belongings and would surely help with routine chores around the house.

One other note: James has no pets but has no problems if housemates have pets (he likes birds, cats, dogs, pollinators and other critters.)

If you think you might have space for him, please reach out to Mark: