Shopping sign up for May 18th and May 20th
Saturday - Please text Patty if you need a spot after 9pm Friday
READ TODAY: Failure to follow these directions may result in your name being taken off and you will need to re-schedule. Please keep your personal calendar open for shopping and do not plan events around shopping time if you plan to shop and ask for us to re-schedule you. There are 2 opportunities (days) for you to shop. There are times for many reason Patty and I may ask to move you. Please be mindful we are coordinating over 175 families and just over 520 individuals.
There are also slots for our volunteers to shop mid shopping to make the day smoother and allow for our volunteers to shop the same day. Some of the names will NOT be in the correct space because they are volunteering and pre-scheduled weekly for the slot. If you have suggestions to make this program better, we welcome them.
Please be mindful that you click the proper day below-I made the title link easier (Click the day of the week to get to the sign up). Please be mindful of signing up that you will actually shop. If you shop on Saturday and skip, do not call with notice, etc you will not be allowed to shop on Monday. Our membership is FULL and every shopping spot is important.