Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Policy 26 revised / Children Policy reminder

Dear Members,

We changed the policy last night at the meeting about volunteer sign up limits. We are hoping this will help with our empty slots we seem to be having and make signing up easier on families with busy schedules.

We also discussed children at the site and it seems like we never changed the policy on the books so children are welcome if they can behave and not be a liability. Please see the policy at the bottom. 

Policy 26: Volunteer (Revised)

Policy 26.1 Daily limits for sign ups:  
You can sign up for 1 shift per day (per person in HH) at any point in time. Please wait 24 hours in order to sign up for multiple shifts on the same day to allow others an opportunity to sign up.
(Exceptions allowed for the Non Shopping cleanup slots and Garden hours). If you are bringing 2 people who can both be of help, you can sign up the same day..

Prior Policy: (No longer valid)
To be fair for all members, we limit the number of volunteer slots a family can sign up per 24 hour period. You may only sign up for 1 volunteer slot and then wait 24 hours to sign up for another slot per sign up AND  you are are only allowed to sign up for 1 slot per day per household (Exceptions allowed for the Non Shopping cleanup slots and Garden hours). If you are bringing 2 people who can both be of help, you can sign up the same day.. For instance, we post the weekly volunteer slots on Wednesday (Typically), you will need to wait to sign up for another slot in the same week after you wait 24 hours. If we do a separate post for another day (say Target or a late notice need for help), then you can sign up as it is a totally separate sign up. This does not count toward staying after a shift to help cleanup. If you volunteer the 2-4 shift and want to help cleanup, that will be allowed. 

1.5.9- Children at the site 
Children under 5 years old must be within their parent our guardian's reach at all times. If a child presents as a safety hazard, they will not be able to accompany their parent to a volunteer shift.