Friday, August 23, 2024

Step By Step instructions for your Civic Champs invite!

Today or by Sunday, you will be getting an invite to join Civic Champs - Our new Volunteer portal! This is how you will sign up for volunteer shifts starting on 9/1. Please make sure that you complete this process by Wednesday so you are ready to sign up for shifts starting 9/1. 

Directions below for the phone and then scroll down to see what the computer version looks like. 

We will only use the sign up genius for shopping sign ups. 

--Additional members of your family -- we can add after we do initial setup. 

On your Phone

Step One: open your email on your phone: 

Step 2: Click the Sign up link. 

Step 3: 

Step 4: Enter Emergency Contact Info: 

Step 5: you are done. Now you can download the App if you want it on your phone. 

Step 6: It will automatically redirect you to the PCS website when done: 

On the computer: 

Step 1: Click sign up on the email

Step 2: Create the account and create your own password.

Step 3: Add additional information: 

You will need to say you are over 13 years old (do this even if younger kids)

Step 4: Agree to the Liability Waiver-I can't figure out how to delete this so just agree as you signed this on the membership application.

Step 4: Add Emergency Contact Info

Step 5: Review Information

Step 6: Your account is created. If you have a smart phone, you can use the QR code and download the app on your phone. 

From here -- you should be set up in the system. We have a little bit to do on our end, but then you should be able to see the calendar after we approve it and set you up.