Friday, February 5, 2021

Attention to Members - SHOPPING LIST POLICY

It has come to our attention that we need to do better on the sign up genius list. We have had a complaint and feel we need to make this change now so that we can attempt to be as fair as possible. 

NEW POLICY that needs to start asap. Some folks are randomly signing up when the last name spaces are full, are then signing up to be the first ones on the list. We want everyone to have a fair option to be first or as close to first as we can in shopping. 

From here on out, if you last name space is FULL, you must sign up AFTER your time. Please do not sign up first just because it is open. That is the one week for the 3 weeks that the last names for that week have an option to shop early in the day. Please don't take that away from your fellow members. 

Also, if you share a shopping time with other (and we appreciate that), you must sign up with the same last name every week. You can not choose your last name one week and your friends the next week. Please keep it the same every week. 

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email either Patty or Alicia, or come to the meeting via Zoom next week with questions.