Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Commodity Boxes Program

Did you know that Philomath Gleaners is a delivery spot for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program? Once a month, our volunteers go to the warehouse and pick up the CSFP boxes and bring them to our site so that community and gleaner members can get a supplemental food box. This program is run through Linn Benton Food Share. 

Do you know someone who could use this program? Applicants are not required to be members but they do have to be able to pick up their boxes from our site. Applicants must be at least 60 years old and be in the income guidelines below. We are open for applications and can help. Please contact Alicia Warren @ 541-231-7127 to sign up over the phone. 


For more information on the program, you can check out the USDA website: 
