Friday, February 12, 2021

NEW POLICY (MUST READ) and sign up for shopping - February 13th

NOTICE: Our members voted on February 11th the following policy: 

If a gleaner signs up for a shop time and misses it without calling then they must sign up for cleanup crew next time they want to shop. Adoptees who do not show will need to take a premade bag the next week instead of signing up on the in site shopping list. You must call Patty’s cell phone to let her know not the main gleaner phone. Patty's number is 541-829-3980

Reminder: We need folks to get through shopping an DO not chit chat. We are doing our best to get everyone through in a timely manner. If you must chat with your friends, please do so after you have shopped and returned your shopping cart to the main door. 
We will ONLY be using 4 shopping carts at a time now. If you do not return the cart as soon as you can, it will be holding up the line. We will have 2 carts shopping while one person is checking out and one person is starting to shop. PLEASE COME 10 MINUTES prior to your shopping time so you can shop outside and get your temperature take, wash hands, and glove up. 

sign up closed