Saturday, April 9, 2022

Communication Change - What's app and email!

Good afternoon Members! 

Some of you know that we have email and some prefer texting. What you don't know is that every single time someone is added or taken off the list, I have to redo the entire list on my phone. I just discovered What's app and I am fairly sure it will do what we want it to do and I can add or take off folks as needed without having to redo the entire list. 

Also, some folks have been missing emails, etc as the emails have been going to spam. 

So, from here out, you will have 2 choices in communications: 

1. Email - those of you getting emails now will stay that way unless you tell me otherwise. If you would like to be added to the what's app, let me know and I can send you a link to join. 

2. What's App - those of you who are getting texts from my personal phone will get an invite to a gleaners group messaging. I would prefer that we all keep it to only messages to blog updates, etc. Send a private message for any other messaging. 

This will mean you need to download an app, but this app works both on android and iphones. You should also be able to set it up to ding or give you notifications so that when I send a text to check the blog, your phone should alert you just like a regular text, it will just come through whatsapp. 

I am sending out invites today.