Rummage Sale - May 7th (Saturday) from 9am - 6pm
All funds will be donated to the gleaners. We are taking donations!!!! Please note that items received from gleaners can not be sold so please do not include items you have received at gleaners.
We need people to help with the sale and it can be at 2 or 4 hour sign up slots - Link for volunteering will be coming this week!
We will need help to remove the remainder of all items after the sale and cleanup of anything left on landmarks property. That will be the last shift helpers.
Melissa will be preparing the sale on Friday before the sale and will have signs made and ready for posting early Saturday before 9 am. Donations can be delivered to:
Landmark Realty @ 405 Landmark Dr. in Philomath (Across from the feed store)
Drop off on Friday before 3 pm in order to create the sale for organizing. Please connect with Melissa at 541-829-2835 to connect about what you have and a drop-off time.
If anyone can't bring items, Melissa can pick up items by appointment. She will only be able to pick up items that can fit into my truck , no larger furniture items or heavy items.
Everyone that is donating items needs to send Melissa a text of what types of items will be coming so she has an idea of the space needed.